Damn OKC just smashed Utah so they are gonna come out pumped up and motivated. The Bulls should win this game anyway and Rose should have 30 points. Why doesn't VDN run any plays for Derrick Rose? Skiles runs double pick and rolls for B. Jennings, that would work everytime with Derrick.
Rose has also had the size advantage on all of the PG's he's faced this year except for Billups, but he hasn't gone to the post once!!
Please run a double pick n roll and post Rose and our offense would get a huge pick me up.
Also the Bulls spacing is the problem more than the fact that Deng and Rose can't hit threes. When we run the two wings (Deng and Salmons) off of the 2 big man they both curl back to the extended elbow, and that puts 4 defenders all in an 8foot space around the paint. They should only run one wing off that stupid curl pick and bring the other out wide on the wing, creating space.