I thought the demo was weak, but not because of the gameplay.
I just thought one 4-minute quarter, and only being able to play as the Lakers, kinda sucked.
they should of gave you something new to try out like playing with the Heat or a classic team.
Typically when a game has something new to promote, like Jordan, or the NHL skill stick, they put it in the demo. So all this talk about MJ and nothing in the demo.
But as far as playing the demo, it seems like the defense is solid again. The game felt just like NBA 2K10 to me though. But its still a solid game.
I'll be interested to see the NBA Elite demo.
I did my NBA 2K11 interview today, I'll post it here tomorrow.
Next Wed. I'll be speaking with NBA Elite creative director Dave Littman.
Trying to lock up my interview for NBA Jam. I'll keep you guys updated.