The 1994 Bulls team without Jordan would beat this currant Bulls team with Rose.
I just logged into my trusty 1982 Atari XE super computer and simulated the 94 team against the 2012 Bulls with Rose in perfect health.
The 94 Bulls win the series 4-2
With my highly sophisticated print outs in hand, its safe to assume that the 1998 Bulls very much defeat the currant Bulls team WITHOUT Rose.
Its the same team as the Jordanless 94 Bulls minus Grant Armstrong and replaced with Rodman, Harper and a more mature smarter Kucoc.
Makes sense.
That is of course if you don't count Pippen injury of the 98 season which would mean the 98 Bulls minus Jordan would also be the 98 Bulls without Pippen.
Without Pippen and Jordan, the currant Bulls team without Rose might be even.
So the series would go 7 games.
Many scenerios can be used in my diagnostic studys.