the art of squirt.

i vaped probably 10 minutes after smoking a cig, so idk how the nicotine seemed. I just wanted to see how the hit felt after waiting hours for the first charge to finish... i guess i wont be able to really tell until tomorrow when i wake up and vape first.. one thing i notice for these starter kits is that the taste isnt thick unless i double or triple hit.. then it tastes like coffee.. guess i need to learn pg/vg thing...
also a good weed flavor would be sweet... since da real thing is illegal
Thoughts advice?
Coffee is a novelty flavor in vaping. Not a daily driver.
What I suggest is finding a quality vape shop locally, trying out a bunch of flavors(if it's a good shop, they have testing spaces), then get yourself a better idea of things. The minimum of anything I recommend uses an 18650 battery, and not just any battery, but the right battery for the right mod, otherwise you'll use the wrong type of battery and it could explode in your face while using it. Authentic Efest 18650s are the minimum. Batteries for vaping do not work like batteries for your phone or other common electronics, a high mAh output means you'll have the wrong battery in 99% of cases.
Also, "starter kits"? I have no idea what this means. If it looks like(or is the size of) a real cigarette or cigar, then there is a 99% chance it's garbage and you wasted your money.
On an ego-style device, 24mg will be a must to wean you off cigs. Nicotine really isn't all that addictive compared to the combination of other additives in cigarettes, so if you get over the hump, then the rest is easier, and vaping becomes a superior nicotine delivery method. Then you start the weaning all over again. I vape 0-3mg now, but no way in hell would an ego device work at that low of nicotine, unless your addiction is purely based on the habit of sucking air through a straw.
Vaping still causes cancer. Enjoy your hipster cancer, hipsters!
Leave me alone with my e-cancer from my robot cigarettes.
bro do you even build ur own robot cigs?
Vaping still causes cancer. Enjoy your hipster cancer, hipsters!
So does logging on to CCS every day.
Vaping still causes cancer. Enjoy your hipster cancer, hipsters!
Then there are some here that will live forever!Studies have shown that whining on message baords can indeed cause cancer. Trolls seem to lead much longer lives.