I'm looking at getting one for my dog....who is completely bad-ass btw. Any recommendations?
Here's me and the little shit haha
awwww, puppy.
I've heard mixed things about them in general. Family friends of mine just trained their golden retriever by watching her (after she leaned to come and sit and stay and all of that, of course) and when she would go too far, she'd come back. So training is definitely an option that works well.
As far as electric fences go, I'm assuming you mean the one that just has the collar beep when the dog goes over the boundary. In that case, pretty much any kind would work, I would think. But with this, you also have to teach the dog what the beep means and what to do when he/ she hears it.
In might honestly be easier and cheaper to just train your dog yourself. But I'm no expert on animal training by any means, I just thought I'd share what I've seen to be effective.