Article on transition from Kyle Orton to Jay Cutsizzle

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Fuck it, Go Deep
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From Neckbeard To Jay Cutsizzle, Transitioning Away From Mediocrity | Bleacher Report

Wrote this before the season, what are your thoughts looking back on it?

SATIRE — To categorize past Chicago Bears quarterbacks as mediocre would be a severe understatement. Since Jim McMahon walked off into the sunset, establishing the quarterback position has proven difficult for Chicago.

Watching Jay Cutler in favor of Kyle "Neckbeard" Orton this upcoming season has put my nerves at ease. Acquiring Jay Cutler from Denver in a trade this offseason is Chicago's first step in transitioning away from mediocrity

After the planets aligned, the Bears were able to trade for Pro-Bowl quarterback Jay Cutler. In exchange, Chicago had to give up a couple of draft picks and a homeless guy who occasionally stepped in to hand the ball off to Matt Forte.

Jay Cutler will be the first true QB the Bears have had on their roster since Jim McMahon. I will give Bear fans a spoiler alert, I am going to list some former Bear quarterbacks, if you wish to look away from the screen, please do so now.

Rick Mirer. Jim Kramer. Steve Stenstrom. Moses Moreno. Shane Mathews. Cade McNown. Chris Chandler. Henry Burris. Kordell Stewart. Rex Grossman. Johnathon Quinn. Craig Krenzel. Chad Hutchinson. Brian Griese. Kyle Orton. Oh dear lord... Rex Grossman again.

A strong negative stigma has been attached to the quarterback position in Chicago for many years. Many less than stellar performances, bobbled snaps, errant passes, and interceptions have long frustrated Bear fans. After a brief flash of success in 1995 which included a trip to the Pro Bowl, Eric Kramer's talent seemed to fizzle out.

Fast forward to September 2006, Rex Grossman is named the NFC Offensive Player of the Month. For the first time in many years, we had some hope. Rex Grossman seemed to be coming into his own, however, down the stretch his play would become highly questionable.

The Bears defense led them to the Super Bowl against the Indianapolis Colts. Rex Grossman decided that he would hand over the game to the Colts as if it were a plate of cookies to a new neighbor.

In his defense, Grossman boasts one very important statistic for Bear fans to remember. He was the first quarterback for Chicago to start all 16 games. The last quarterback to do that was Eric Kramer in 1995.

Inconsistency seemed to be Rex's middle name. Actually, upon further research it is Daniel. Thank Google for that seemingly unimportant piece of information.

I am not going to lie, I became a fan of Kyle "Neckbeard" Orton this past season. He showed me more than any recent Chicago quarterback has.

For once we had a quarterback competent enough to actually make reads and throw the intermediate pass. He put up good stats that included nearly 3,000 yards passing, 58% completion percentage, 18 touchdowns, and 12 interceptions.

Orton led them to a 9-7 record and just missed out on the playoffs. He was starting to show glimpses of becoming a leader but was a couple of steps away still. I was content with Orton.

I was only content because I knew Jerry Angelo and the front office wouldn't bring anybody good in. After signings in the past that included Chad Hutchinson, Jonathan Quinn, and Brian Griese, I had to be a Neckbeard fan.

It was very uncharacteristic of the Bears to make a big move in the offseason. Acquiring Jay Cutler, makes me smile ear to ear to this very day. He threw for 4,500+ yards and 25 touchdowns, and he is going to be playing for my Bears?

I know he had a rough finish to last year with Denver down the stretch. However, he had no defense, and Denver had to pull guys off the street to carry the ball. I am not sure what list would be longer, the Broncos' injured reserve list, or the swine flu scares at your local hospital.

Signing offensive linemen Orlando Pace, Kevin Schaffer, and Frank Omiyale definitely makes Cutler's signing that much more sweet. Improving our offense line has been a very important task for us this offseason. First round pick last year, Chris Williams from Vanderbilt, should be healthy and ready to take the field.

Another area for improvement that wasn't properly addressed was wide receiver. Chicago's WR corps includes Devin Hester, Rashied Davis, Jauqin Iglesias, and Earl Bennett. Cutler doesn't have a plethora of options to throw to.

Tight ends Desmond Clark and Greg Olson will more then likely be his security blanket. Forte will be reliable coming out of the backfield since he led the team in receptions last season with 63. He can credit captain check down, aka Kyle Orton for those catches.

I am just one of many Chicago fans expecting Jay Cutler to be the next Dan Marino. Maybe our expectations are a little high. Maybe he will just be another name on the long list of atrocious Bear quarterbacks.

Cutler isn't going to have Brandon Marshall in Denver anymore, so he'll have to make the best of his options. In workouts, the Bears wide receivers noticed how hard he throws the ball and have needed some time getting used to just how much velocity he throws with. Once they get the timing and chemistry going, this could be the start of something very nice in the windy city.

I am very optimistic about this upcoming season. Jay Cutsizzle will be coming to a highlight reel near you!

For any Denver fans that made it past the injured reserve joke, enjoy Kyle Orton in Denver. Make sure to keep a half-full bottle of Jack Daniels in the locker room at all times or things may get ugly!


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Good article.

payton 34ever

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Apr 21, 2010
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I had a lot of the same feelings about the trade back then, too. I think we learned that we need to not get so sky high with expectations before a season because of this last season. I too thought the line would be much improved (it wasn't). I thought Cutler would make plays we hadn't seen out of a Bears QB in years (he did, but also made several head-scratchers). I think this is the year when we really get to see what Cutler can do. A real O-coordinator that makes adjustments has me excited. Having another year of experience for all of our receivers is nice, too. Tice should improve the line a bit, and even if he doesn't improve it much, I think Martz actually lets Jay play to his strength of making plays on the move and rolling him out. I've got to admit - I have high expectations for our D - I think adding Peppers is huge for our D line. If Tommie is 90% of what he was (BIG if), and with Lach back, I think our D becomes one of the league's feared units again.

As to Orton - he showed Denver during the last 10 games last year who he is. A relatively innacurate QB who has some initial success, but fades over the course of a season. He just doesn't handle the blitz that well and doesn't move that well in the pocket, and teams realized that and adjusted accordingly. I really liked him when he was here, and I feel bad for him that he doesn't have Marshall, Scheffler, and Hillis to bail him out anymore when he needs to dump the ball off. Without his dump-offs he looks VERY uncomfortable back there.


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Apr 17, 2010
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South Side of Chicago (formerly of 87th, currently
How was Jim McMahon considered a great, or even very good quarterback? He never started, or even played in 16 games during his time with the Bears. In '85, he had a QB rating of 83 and only completed 57% of his passes. It helped that he had a 1500yd rusher in Payton, but I can't believe that without McMahon, the Bears would not have been in the same position of winning a Super Bowl. He made more headlines for his attitude and style of play than the numbers he put up. But I digress...
I think the Bears gave up too much for Cutler, personally. Two 1sts AND the Broncos next starting QB for a guy that McDaniels seemed desperate to get rid of? I'm glad the Bears made the trade, but I think they jumped at the first offer from the Broncos, because I seriously doubt the Bears would've initiated talks with that offer.
The Bears WR corps is better than people give them credit for. They don't have a clear-cut #1, but they have a number of guys that can make plays, and Cutler will have a full season of Devin A.
Cutler was dogged by a shitty o-line and forgetting that throwing the ball away is an option. He also wasn't helped by Forte, who wasn't helped by said shitty o-line, either. Throw in WRs not used to playing with a QB of that caliber, a 1960s o-coordinator, and there was constant fail on the offensive side of the ball.
I'm sure that with Martz calling the plays, another year of experience for the WRs, Taylor as the #2 RB, and the 300lb blocking TE (plus a little more stability on the o-line), the Bears O should have no problem putting points on the board. Cutler will be that dude in Chicago for years to come...


Fuck it, Go Deep
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Jim McMahon was the last Quarterback we had where we didn't have huge worries or doubts of them playing like Rex Grossman. I didn't mean he was the best of all-time. Having Payton and a great team did play in his favor a lot.


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Apr 17, 2010
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South Side of Chicago (formerly of 87th, currently
Yeah, I guess you reduce your chances to have bad games when you're constantly missing time due to injury...


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May 6, 2010
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"Jay Cutler will be the first true QB the Bears have had on their roster since Jim McMahon."

Eric Kramer.


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Apr 17, 2010
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South Side of Chicago (formerly of 87th, currently
"Jay Cutler will be the first true QB the Bears have had on their roster since Jim McMahon."

Eric Kramer.

It's "Erik", but I agree. That guy put up pretty good numbers as a pure passer.


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Apr 27, 2010
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I always liked orton alot. I think if we had stuck with him and used picks on o-line and recievers bears would be a much better team. Instead all we have on offense is a qb and potentially good running back.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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your sig pretty much sums it up
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