Article: Whatever happens, the Bears must keep Cutler


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
It doesn't matter what you say anymore, the fact you said Guapo is a good poster destroys any credibility you have

U of all people should talk. The fact that u have a thank you contest and stick up for Rory, Bearmick, FT, and GB trolls (not to mention u make up part of the Fecal foursome ), your posts aren't taken seriously


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Newport Beach, CA
Just because you, bearmick and maybe four other posters disagree with someone doesn't mean they are bad posters. It's always the same posters that are disagreeing with Guapo.

Thanks for trying to explain to these usual challenged trolls what the deal is. I am spoiled that my Fecal Foursome crew w a couple of cheerleaders will disagree w me most unsuccessfully when I post something to the tune of:

Brady has a 4th quarter winning % of .569 while BLANK has a .143 therefore Brady's .569>.143 LOL

Simple math and facts can't sink in to my trolls once they get going:troll::troll::troll::troll:


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We lost 13-6 with a horrific Campbell finishing that game. WE score at least a TD in the 2nd half with Cutler.
I would have to somehow surpass you before I could claim that tag as the worst poster, this is impossible.

FWIW...Campbell had a better game than Cutler.


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Thanks for trying to explain to these usual challenged trolls what the deal is. I am spoiled that my Fecal Foursome crew w a couple of cheerleaders will disagree w me most unsuccessfully when I post something to the tune of:

Brady has a 4th quarter winning % of .569 while BLANK has a .143 therefore Brady's .569>.143 LOL

Simple math and facts can't sink in to my trolls once they get going:troll::troll::troll::troll:

When did Brady join the Bears?


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Don't post the facts of the game....u will confuse Bearmick. He's at coloring book level.

Where in anything he posted was there a fact? His whole post is pure speculation, not one fact except that Campbell finished the game.

Here are some facts:

Cutler went 7/14 40 yards and 2 int's
Campbell went 11/19 94 yards 0 int's
The Bears had 2 lost fumbles (K Davis & Bush)
The Bears were defending the pass well but Houston was running the ball well in rainy weather
The Texans were keeping Forte to 2.4 ypc, where the Bears had Foster averaging 3.5 ypc
The Bears created 2 turnovers while giving up 4 in rainy weather
The Bears abandon the run in a close game during inclement weather.

The facts show that Cutler wasn't having a great game, the weather wasn't helping them out, and Tice's game plan was subpar like most of his game plan's last year. Even if Tice had not abandoned the run Forte wasn't able to get anything going, but it seemed like Bush was running the ball ok outside of his one crucial fumble. I don't see how anyone can say definitively that Cutler would have given us at least a TD when he was struggling as much as Campbell.

Winnman posted no facts, just poorly speculated that Cutler could score a TD. He provided no backing to this claim. This is why he is being tagged as a bad poster, and your blind backing of him proves that you still are a horrible poster. You come on here plenty saying others don't use logic, but you almost never provide any backup to whatever half ass argument you are making.


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U of all people should talk. The fact that u have a thank you contest and stick up for Rory, Bearmick, FT, and GB trolls (not to mention u make up part of the Fecal foursome ), your posts aren't taken seriously

Provide something of substance first and maybe you wouldn't be considered the skid mark of the CCS tighty whiteys.


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Provide something of substance first and maybe you wouldn't be considered the skid mark of the CCS tighty whiteys.

L Guapo stole Rodney's handle


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L Guapo stole Rodney's handle

Rodney has been MIA, so I'm sure once the season is back he will come back here to reclaim his title.


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Rodney has been MIA, so I'm sure once the season is back he will come back here to reclaim his title.

If Forte has a good year...and starts falling forward...with heart...leading to more TD's...

I have a feeling he'll still be MIA


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If Forte has a good year...and starts falling forward...with heart...leading to more TD's...

I have a feeling he'll still be MIA

I have mixed feelings if he doesn't come back, he did provide some fun entertainment...and he at least made an attempt to support his crazy point of view.

But on the other hand Guano and crew can be pretty unbearable and I sometimes feel Rodney would just make it worse.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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I agree 100% with your assessment.
I'm getting ready for the usual crowd on here to be all over Cutler the first half of the season when the offense is still in the process of figuring it all out and putting up only spurts of high output. Second half of the season is when we see what this offense can do. IMO

And their off, in the 5th running of the Cutler excuse derby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I have mixed feelings if he doesn't come back, he did provide some fun entertainment...and he at least made an attempt to support his crazy point of view.

But on the other hand Guano and crew can be pretty unbearable and I sometimes feel Rodney would just make it worse.

I caught that the second time I read it...Ha!

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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And their off, in the 5th running of the Cutler excuse derby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, have to get them ready. First half of the season much tougher than the second half so get the excuses in early.


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Bottom line for me is why get rid of a QB (Cutler) when he has such a high ceiling if you are able to finally get him to elevate his floor?

At his best, Cutler is an elite QB - franchise worthy, up there with the best of the best.

Problem is, at his worst, he's Rex Friggin Grossman.

He needs to have a higher floor when things don't go right so that the team only has a certain level of "bad" from the position. I think anyone with a level head would agree on this.

The problem here is this - how the hell do you accurate assess Cutler when he has been given no line help, no receiver help, and just expected to make everything better himself with no real supporting cast under Angelo's tenure? Can you even call what they did, with Martz and Tice a fair evaluation period?

Any other QB I'd say he's done, ruined.

But I don't give up on Cutler yet, because I don't see the quit. He isn't lifeless in his eyes like other QBs that the Bears have shittily ground up in their cesspool over the years. He's looked God awful in games, but then he usually bounces back and at least has a decent game - he doesn't have 2 stinkers in a row usually, so he's hardly spiralling downward. And anyone with eyes can agree the line play has been abysmal. All you need to know is 3 and potentially 4 new starters on the line this year to get confirmation of that.

So while everyone is trying to paint this as some sort of make or break year for Jay, I see it as we finally get to see what he can fully do. Still learning a new offense, and there will still be some clunkiness from that, but even that should show some real potential within the system and flashes.

Beyond that, I think you sign Jay for at least 3 more years. You have no one in the pipeline, and you can get yourself into real trouble by feeling you "have" to draft a quarterback - some years are just shit for that, like the Year we took Rex - the ONLY QB from that class that ended up any good was Carson Palmer, and he was #1 overall. Cutler is still better insurance against a bad move in the draft, and at least then you have coverage if you do draft a QB to eventually replace Jay.

The thing most are just glancing over is that the author basically says that unless we have a top 5 pick we should sign Cutler no matter what. I completely disagree with that statement, if he can't show some efficiency and an improvement in protecting the ball than why shell out $15M for an inefficient QB. Why not let him walk, use that extra cash to start replacing the aging players on defense or improving the o-line some more. Why hold on to a QB who is throwing as many picks as he is TD's? If Cutler can improve his efficiency and minimize the mistakes, than yeah sign him to a 3-4 year deal give him his money and let him continue to improve with Trestman and Kromer. But if he can't than signing him to a 3-4 year contract is in a way a waste of money.

Look at SF, 2 years ago they made it to the NFCCG with Alex Smith, yes he was a #1 pick but before that year most people had him written off. But 2 years ago SF had a monster o-line, a strong running game, a solid receiving core, and a top 5 defense...add in Alex Smith and him playing like a game manager and they were considered one of the best teams in the NFL. Had Smith not been injured last year, we may not have seen Kap in any extended playing time, and with the way that team was built I wouldn't have been surprised to see them go to the SB with Smith leading them.

So the point I have been making from my first post in this thread has been that Cutler does not have to be signed no matter what. Our team could potentially have the building blocks to be very successful regardless of who is behind the center.

Teddy KGB

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Apr 25, 2011
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The thing most are just glancing over is that the author basically says that unless we have a top 5 pick we should sign Cutler no matter what. I completely disagree with that statement, if he can't show some efficiency and an improvement in protecting the ball than why shell out $15M for an inefficient QB. Why not let him walk, use that extra cash to start replacing the aging players on defense or improving the o-line some more. Why hold on to a QB who is throwing as many picks as he is TD's? If Cutler can improve his efficiency and minimize the mistakes, than yeah sign him to a 3-4 year deal give him his money and let him continue to improve with Trestman and Kromer. But if he can't than signing him to a 3-4 year contract is in a way a waste of money.

Look at SF, 2 years ago they made it to the NFCCG with Alex Smith, yes he was a #1 pick but before that year most people had him written off. But 2 years ago SF had a monster o-line, a strong running game, a solid receiving core, and a top 5 defense...add in Alex Smith and him playing like a game manager and they were considered one of the best teams in the NFL. Had Smith not been injured last year, we may not have seen Kap in any extended playing time, and with the way that team was built I wouldn't have been surprised to see them go to the SB with Smith leading them.

So the point I have been making from my first post in this thread has been that Cutler does not have to be signed no matter what. Our team could potentially have the building blocks to be very successful regardless of who is behind the center.

Define signed? As in, nothing at all? Franchising him count?

Because I do agree with the author - Cutler NEEDS to be under contract. You simply have nothing behind him, and as much as people want to try to paint the NFL picture as the land of milk and honey where guys like Kaepernick and Russel Wilson are more than just 1 year track records and you can get a better quarterback just because you really really want one, pretty please?, None of that is given. Last I checked, people were drooling the year before last over Cam Newton, and he took a slide back. Some were overhyping Sanchez when he started, and now look at him. Its a very cruel league and fortunes can turn in a hurry. Wilson, RG III and Kaepernick might turn out to be great, or they might be one year wonders once the league has an offseason to adjust and gameplan against them.

So, bringing this back in with Cutler - if you have any brain in your head, you HAVE to re-sign Cutler... in the short term. Re-signing him doesn't mean giving him the moon or promising him the franchise. Re-signing him means that either you do believe in him - OR you are buying time till the next draft and with Cutler locked up, you can do the smart thing for a team built the way it is, and try for some Superbowls now with Cutler, while letting the rookiee grab bench and learn, same way Aaron Rodgers did it.

So yeah, I agree with the author on needing to re-sign Cutler. But as to how long and how much - that all depends on how Cutler does this season. Perhaps in the scenario I laid out, the Franchise Tag would suffice.

But the beef I have is with people making out like all pro quarterbacks grow on trees, and then using one year wonders as their examples. Those of us who have been around a while tend to be a bit easily agitated over people who have the "anyone but the starting quarterback" mentality. Sick as it is - I can think of at least one of the usual Cutler trolls who was a great big Rex Grossman supporter, fan, and even cult member - so I am finding the irony here delicious as Cutler is who you'd have thought Rex could have maxed out as, per their old Cult and the way they talked him up. It makes it ironic then to see a better version of Rex, Cutler, talked down by some of those same people...


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Define signed? As in, nothing at all? Franchising him count?

Because I do agree with the author - Cutler NEEDS to be under contract. You simply have nothing behind him, and as much as people want to try to paint the NFL picture as the land of milk and honey where guys like Kaepernick and Russel Wilson are more than just 1 year track records and you can get a better quarterback just because you really really want one, pretty please?, None of that is given. Last I checked, people were drooling the year before last over Cam Newton, and he took a slide back. Some were overhyping Sanchez when he started, and now look at him. Its a very cruel league and fortunes can turn in a hurry. Wilson, RG III and Kaepernick might turn out to be great, or they might be one year wonders once the league has an offseason to adjust and gameplan against them.

So, bringing this back in with Cutler - if you have any brain in your head, you HAVE to re-sign Cutler... in the short term. Re-signing him doesn't mean giving him the moon or promising him the franchise. Re-signing him means that either you do believe in him - OR you are buying time till the next draft and with Cutler locked up, you can do the smart thing for a team built the way it is, and try for some Superbowls now with Cutler, while letting the rookiee grab bench and learn, same way Aaron Rodgers did it.

So yeah, I agree with the author on needing to re-sign Cutler. But as to how long and how much - that all depends on how Cutler does this season. Perhaps in the scenario I laid out, the Franchise Tag would suffice.

But the beef I have is with people making out like all pro quarterbacks grow on trees, and then using one year wonders as their examples. Those of us who have been around a while tend to be a bit easily agitated over people who have the "anyone but the starting quarterback" mentality. Sick as it is - I can think of at least one of the usual Cutler trolls who was a great big Rex Grossman supporter, fan, and even cult member - so I am finding the irony here delicious as Cutler is who you'd have thought Rex could have maxed out as, per their old Cult and the way they talked him up. It makes it ironic then to see a better version of Rex, Cutler, talked down by some of those same people...

If he can't show improvement why even franchise him...I don't see the difference, if you franchise him its so you can sign him to a long term deal so to me I wouldn't even do that if he can't show improvement. If he shows improvement than by all means franchise him and work on a long term deal, but if he can't show some improvement with the changes the team has gone through than cut ties and move on.

And I'm not saying QB's just grow on trees and it's an easy task in finding a top tier QB, but when Sanchez had a good running game and a great defense...the Jets were able to go to 2 straight AFCCG with Sanchez keeping his mistakes to a minimum and by controlling the ball. Most think Cam regressed this year but he only started off slow, he ended up having a pretty good year. Kap, Wilson, RG3, and Luck could turn into 1 year wonders. But I am not saying that we have to get that caliber player. RG3 and Luck are rare QB's and Kap and Wilson surprised a lot of people so no one saw them coming. but I think if Cutler falters and the Bears cut ties with him, I think a QB at the caliber of Tannehil or Alex Smith or even Josh Freeman could be successful with the Bears. Yes they may not light up the stat line but they can keep the mistakes to a minimum and keep a lead once we get it.

I hope Cutler improves and I think he can with Trestman. I also think this time next year he will be with the Bears whether on the franchise tag or with a long term contract...I just hope it is after a season where he can have a TD/Int ratio of better than 1.5 and has shown he can be successful with Trestman and Kromer


HS Referee HoF
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Define signed? As in, nothing at all? Franchising him count?

Because I do agree with the author - Cutler NEEDS to be under contract. You simply have nothing behind him, and as much as people want to try to paint the NFL picture as the land of milk and honey where guys like Kaepernick and Russel Wilson are more than just 1 year track records and you can get a better quarterback just because you really really want one, pretty please?, None of that is given. Last I checked, people were drooling the year before last over Cam Newton, and he took a slide back. Some were overhyping Sanchez when he started, and now look at him. Its a very cruel league and fortunes can turn in a hurry. Wilson, RG III and Kaepernick might turn out to be great, or they might be one year wonders once the league has an offseason to adjust and gameplan against them.

So, bringing this back in with Cutler - if you have any brain in your head, you HAVE to re-sign Cutler... in the short term. Re-signing him doesn't mean giving him the moon or promising him the franchise. Re-signing him means that either you do believe in him - OR you are buying time till the next draft and with Cutler locked up, you can do the smart thing for a team built the way it is, and try for some Superbowls now with Cutler, while letting the rookiee grab bench and learn, same way Aaron Rodgers did it.

So yeah, I agree with the author on needing to re-sign Cutler. But as to how long and how much - that all depends on how Cutler does this season. Perhaps in the scenario I laid out, the Franchise Tag would suffice.

But the beef I have is with people making out like all pro quarterbacks grow on trees, and then using one year wonders as their examples. Those of us who have been around a while tend to be a bit easily agitated over people who have the "anyone but the starting quarterback" mentality. Sick as it is - I can think of at least one of the usual Cutler trolls who was a great big Rex Grossman supporter, fan, and even cult member - so I am finding the irony here delicious as Cutler is who you'd have thought Rex could have maxed out as, per their old Cult and the way they talked him up. It makes it ironic then to see a better version of Rex, Cutler, talked down by some of those same people...

Fully agree.

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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If he can't show improvement why even franchise him...I don't see the difference, if you franchise him its so you can sign him to a long term deal so to me I wouldn't even do that if he can't show improvement. If he shows improvement than by all means franchise him and work on a long term deal, but if he can't show some improvement with the changes the team has gone through than cut ties and move on.

And I'm not saying QB's just grow on trees and it's an easy task in finding a top tier QB, but when Sanchez had a good running game and a great defense...the Jets were able to go to 2 straight AFCCG with Sanchez keeping his mistakes to a minimum and by controlling the ball. Most think Cam regressed this year but he only started off slow, he ended up having a pretty good year. Kap, Wilson, RG3, and Luck could turn into 1 year wonders. But I am not saying that we have to get that caliber player. RG3 and Luck are rare QB's and Kap and Wilson surprised a lot of people so no one saw them coming. but I think if Cutler falters and the Bears cut ties with him, I think a QB at the caliber of Tannehil or Alex Smith or even Josh Freeman could be successful with the Bears. Yes they may not light up the stat line but they can keep the mistakes to a minimum and keep a lead once we get it.

I hope Cutler improves and I think he can with Trestman. I also think this time next year he will be with the Bears whether on the franchise tag or with a long term contract...I just hope it is after a season where he can have a TD/Int ratio of better than 1.5 and has shown he can be successful with Trestman and Kromer

The problem is how badly you and the others minimize Cutler. Even Cutler as he is, with no improvement gives you a chance to beat better teams and can win you games, and he doesn't have 2 clunkers in a row usually. He is at worst at the very bottom of the top 3rd of the leage in quarterbacks. You franchise him to buy time while you get a rookie set up behind him to take over in 2014. If you just outright replace him, it sends a message to the locker room that you aren't trying to win a Superbowl that year. And with the defense aging, you are trying to at least catch lightning in a bottle.

It'd be different if this weren't a 10 win team with a great but aging defense. If this were a young team, or a team that just flat out sucked and you were moving people out of the way to restart the culture, then I'd be all on board for just saying "the hell with it" IF I did not think Cutler was the guy.

But this team in this scenario at this time?

Damn right, lock Cutler up, at least in the short term.


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The problem is how badly you and the others minimize Cutler. Even Cutler as he is, with no improvement gives you a chance to beat better teams and can win you games, and he doesn't have 2 clunkers in a row usually. He is at worst at the very bottom of the top 3rd of the leage in quarterbacks. You franchise him to buy time while you get a rookie set up behind him to take over in 2014. If you just outright replace him, it sends a message to the locker room that you aren't trying to win a Superbowl that year. And with the defense aging, you are trying to at least catch lightning in a bottle.

I view Cutler at his best as more of a top 12-15 QB, but even if we go by your rating of him as in the bottom of the top 3rd of the league in QB's, that puts him as the 10-12 best QB. If you franchise him you are giving him a years salary as if he were a top 5 QB giving him $15M-$20M. I just think we can use that money to start finding the players to take over for our aging defense and upgrade other parts of the o-line and defense.

Business wise I just don't think it makes sense when you can probably still get 10 wins out of a game manager type QB and get one for a whole lot less than $15-20M.

I also don't see how replacing Cutler sends a message to the locker room that you aren't trying to win a Super Bowl. If anything it sends the message that if you aren't getting the job done than FO is going to cut you loose and find someone who can get the job done. These aren't high school players, these are professionals and I would hope they know that every team in the league has a goal to win the Super Bowl no matter who they let go or who they bring in.

It'd be different if this weren't a 10 win team with a great but aging defense. If this were a young team, or a team that just flat out sucked and you were moving people out of the way to restart the culture, then I'd be all on board for just saying "the hell with it" IF I did not think Cutler was the guy.

But this team in this scenario at this time?

Damn right, lock Cutler up, at least in the short term.

The fact that this is a 10 win team with an aging defense is why we shouldn't tie up a big portion of our money to an inefficient QB (that is if he doesn't improve this year)...with the defense getting older signing Cutler to a big contract can make things difficult in bringing in young FA's to take those roles over or signing our younger stars to longer contracts. Next offseason if Cutler doesn't improve and we can't sign Melton to a long term contract because a lot of the teams money is tied up to Cutler, how does that really help our team?
