Ok so I will give credit to the basic idea of the plot but here are the multiple issues I had with the movie. Keep in mind that most, if not all, of the problems I had stem from my knowledge of the comics. I understand that movie directors like to have creative freedom to do what they want, but this movie got out of hand (to me).
- Waaaaay too many people know Batman is Bruce Wayne. Catwoman & Gordon find out, which to this day they don't really know about in the comics. The cop who becomes Robin (I'll get to that) figures it out no problem. It's the one thing in the comics that Batman keeps to himself above all other things & almost every important character knows.
- Blake, who I'm assuming should be Tim Drake, becomes Robin at the end??? That is completely new, especially the cop background. I understand he changed the name so people didn't find out to the end, but the movie changed his name & his occupation. Tim Drake is just a kid who really wants to emulate a great detective like Batman, so he spends months upon months being a private investigator-type to uncover Batman's identity. He doesn't just guess it pretty much out of the blue because he recognizes the "mask" an orphan puts on. What a huuuuge stretch. And as I said, he was never an adult cop.
- While I liked how Bane had some smarts, his history was all fucked up. He really is from Russia, he certainly is not Raz al'gul's kid, he was never in the league of shadows, he never knew Talia - let alone be her protector - & he certainly never spoke through a crazy mouth device. (which was annoying, I couldn't understand him a handful of times) I haven't even gotten to the lack of "venom." While Bane is smart in the comics, he is still a drug dealing goon who abused venom for his power. Venom was nowhere in sight, which is how he really gains most of his power over Batman in the comic. He certainly was never trained in the martial arts of the league of shadows. Without venom, Batman easily handles Bane everytime they meet in the comics. With venom, its a different story. Bane uses his his smarts to gain power & minions in the comics but when it comes to fighting against batman, he soley relies on venom & brute strength, not martial arts training, as depicted in the movie.
- Talia. The casting was all wrong, but thats a personal preference. She actually sleeps with Batman, costume & all, not Bruce Wayne like she does in the movie. She absolutely hates her father in the comics & would never, ever take up his cause of finishing gotham city off. She distances herself from her father & wants to make her own name. Her goals have nothing to do with the league of shadows - she is only interested in tempting batman to join her to dominate the world with their love child (damien, the 3rd & current robin). She never worked with bane, their paths simply don't cross.
- Part of the Batman lore, maybe the biggest draw, is that he is human. When Bane breaks his back in the comics, it takes a world renowned surgeon & months upon months of rehab, followed by a crazy amount of deadly martial arts training with masters before Bruce is ready to take back the mantle of the bat. In the movie, all it takes is some crazy guy to punch his vertebrae back in place & then some sit-ups & push-ups from a prison cell before he is as good as new. I understand its the DC universe with unrealistic shit happening all the time, but shit like that makes batman/bruce look more then human, thus lowering his appeal.
- Batman really doesn't deal with nuclear bombs. As mentioned, he is human & deals with smaller-type crimes. Nuclear bombs are Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, JLA, etc. material. Granted, Batman has dealt with crazy, alien, over-the-top shit before, but there are always other super heroes involved. Batman, on his own, doesn't deal with nukes.
There were a few other mistakes but I guess they can be seen as creative licensing if one really had a hard on for the movie. As I said in the other thread, it was a good action flick but they sacrificed soooo much of the comic lore to make the story fit together. But that works for a mass audience, thus millions upon millions of $$$ in profits. The Dark Knight Rises, while better then anything outside of the trilogy, was by far the worst of the last 3 movies. And for the record, I thought the first one was the best, not the second one, unlike the majority of people who hero-worship heath's joker.