I'm gonna be driving 7 hours on the highway like next week or so. I have an 02 cavalier (lol I know shut up), but what speed would you recommend for gas efficency? Or is it not even that big of a deal?
It causes a major difference. It used to be around 55 but cars are more efficient now and way more variable. You can find out the sweet spot for your specific car. But when you go over that speed it causes an exponential loss in efficiency.
My shop teacher in high school used to say press the accelerator like there is a water balloon underneath it.
I don't know how that helps.
55 is the number I've heard most often
Every time I set out to drive slower on the highway to save gas I end up getting bored and impatient.
Lol that's gonna be me. I'm gonna end up going 80 the whole way
55 is the number I've heard most often
Every time I set out to drive slower on the highway to save gas I end up getting bored and impatient.
Using friction points is a key part of hypermiling. But with an automatic and modern TCMs, even that of a 2002 cavalier, the TCM will put the car in a gear that is most pleasant for the driver, more than the best gear for mileage(more like an overall best mix by design, then being able to predict what the driver wants at that time). So it will vary for every car. As Tj said, highest gear, lowest sustainable RPM is more than likely going to be the lowest friction point(as long as the TCM isn't over-riding gear changes to give you higher revs in terms of power when you don't want it).
55 is the number I've heard most often
Every time I set out to drive slower on the highway to save gas I end up getting bored and impatient.