BR: Bears Trying To Trade Cutler to get Mariota


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Aug 20, 2012
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what the fuck. i'm so tired of cutler and it's not like this team is poised to make a super bowl run. the quickest way to that goal is to find a quarterback. if you think there's a better then decent chance that mariota is that guy, go for it.

This is not how you run a successful NFL franchise. This sounds like the Browns way of doing things recently....

Also, can you define a better than decent chance in quantifiable terms.

Also, can you give us a timeline on when we'll be able to discern he is "the guy">?

Or the Redskins lol.

Better than decent chance? My man, the amount of times fans have said that over the years over average mediocre qbs their team drafted, could be a damn book.


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The Rams are only tied to Foles for this upcoming season and one could argue the point was to shed salary, acquire a competent starter and draft picks. Even if they did acquire Mariota they could use Foles as a bridge. There is also the possibility they use Foles as a trade chip in an attempt to move up.

Washington's coach has clearly given up on his current crop of QBs, RG3 in particular, but management still appears tied to him so I agree they don't seem like a suitor.

The Browns did spend a first round pick on a QB last year but he has spent the offseason in rehab and can't seem to be relied on off the field or on it at this point. Mariota has also spent the offseason training with the Browns QB coach so they have some insight to him at this point.
I agree about what you say about the Rams. They might be the team to watch for a trade up and I never count out Cleveland just cause they've shown themselves to be a bunch of dummies and I still wouldn't count out Chip just cause he's been making crazy moves all offseason.


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I am a Mariota supporter.

But I am not interested in a bidding war or an RGIII type deal for him.

I think you could design a really effective offense around him, but the risk is also very present.

Yeah it would definitely be a boom or bust trade up but if Pace and company truly believe he's a franchise QB in the NFL then I can stand behind a trade up for him. Having a franchise QB is what it's all about in the NFL and having Cutler for him to sit behind for a season or two will help us still compete until he's ready.


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I know I have been vocal about being anti-Mariota. I have been a bit of a prude at times, but I respect your opinion Windy. You know a lot more about the X's and O's than I do. It is nice to see some insight on why you think Mariota could succeed.

Brown nose much??


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What will be the cost of trading up for Conner Cook?

No more of a sure thing, definetly not an Andrew Luck type, and next season the Bears will more than likely be further away, upping the cost.

At some point you have to take a swing.

Exactly what i've been saying. To get a QB that people think will be a starting QB in the NFL you have to have a top 3 maybe 5 pick or be ready to trade a boat load of draft picks to get in that top 3. I don't see the Bears being one of the three worse teams in the NFL anytime soon.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Wanna know what the most hilarious thing ever would be on draft day?

Tampa announces they are taking Winston.
About an hour before the draft, Philly makes some ridiculous trade and gives up everything to move to number 2 to get Mariota.
Tampa drafts Mariota.

HAHAHAHAHA to see the look on Chip Kelly's face at that moment.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Wanna know what the most hilarious thing ever would be on draft day?

Tampa announces they are taking Winston.
About an hour before the draft, Philly makes some ridiculous trade and gives up everything to move to number 2 to get Mariota.
Tampa drafts Mariota.

HAHAHAHAHA to see the look on Chip Kelly's face at that moment.

It would be funny but I am sure the trade only happens after Tampa picks.

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Mar 9, 2014
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Exactly what i've been saying. To get a QB that people think will be a starting QB in the NFL you have to have a top 3 maybe 5 pick or be ready to trade a boat load of draft picks to get in that top 3. I don't see the Bears being one of the three worse teams in the NFL anytime soon.

I hope that they do trade the 7 for more picks. Then next year they can package some of those to move up If their is a chance to get that QB. Otherwise like you I don't see them having that opportunity to be in the top 10.

This kinda reminds me when we had Rick Mirer we had a chance I believe to be picking somewhere 1-5 but Mirer decided to play good on the last game of the year and we fell back in our position.

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And now there is some talk about Mariota going 1st to the Bucs. Winston would then be the next QB in line for teams if they wanted to trade up. For me, I have no interest in the guy. Terrible off the field and his interceptions are very concerning.


Hey bud....Let's party!!
Aug 21, 2012
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So this thread evolved from a rumor into a hypothetical "How do we include Cutler in ANY deal to move up"?


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May 18, 2014
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So this thread evolved from a rumor into a hypothetical "How do we include Cutler in ANY deal to move up"?

It didn't really evolve into anything. It was pretty much nothing to begin with.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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what the fuck. i'm so tired of cutler and it's not like this team is poised to make a super bowl run. the quickest way to that goal is to find a quarterback. if you think there's a better then decent chance that mariota is that guy, go for it.

This is not how you run a successful NFL franchise. This sounds like the Browns way of doing things recently....

Also, can you define a better than decent chance in quantifiable terms.

Also, can you give us a timeline on when we'll be able to discern he is "the guy">?


Cutler is going in to year 10, with a single playoff win against a 7-9 team. one single pro bowl berth as an alternate 7 years ago on another team. He began his career here with an absolutely amazing defense, and still could not get the job done. He was surrounded by offensive talent at key positions that was among the best collections in the league. and still couldn't get it done. 6 uncontested seasons is more than enough time to see what he is and if he is worth keeping, and the answer is a resounding no.

To the point of seeking out "the guy" being a losing strategy, league history over the past decade and a half says you are full of shit.
Lets look at how super bowl winning teams have dealt with the position, shall we? Lets see how long a guy needs to be on a team before becoming successful.

2000 super bowl- Kurt warner (15 regular season starts for the rams) wins over Steve Mcnair (his 3rd season with the titans)
2001 super bowl- Dilfer in his first season with Baltimore wins over Collins in his second season with the giants.
2002- Brady in his first season beats Warner in his 3rd season with the rams.
2003- Johnson in his second season with tampa beats Gannon in his fourth with the raiders.
2004- Brady in his 3rd season beats Delhomme in his first season with Carolina
2005-Brady in his 4th season beats Mcnabb in his 6th season
2006- Roethlisberger in year 2 beats Hasselbeck in year 5.
2007- Manning in year 9 beats Grossman in year 4.
2008- Eli in year 4 beats Brady in his 7th year starting.
2009- Roethllisberger in year 4 beats Warner in his fourth year as a cardinal
2010- Brees in year 4 with the saints beats Manning in year 11
2011- Rodgers in year 3 starting beats Roethlisberger in year 7
2012- Eli in year 8 beats Brady in year 11
2013-Flacco in year 5 beats Kaepernick in year 1
2014- Wilson in year 2 beats Manning in year 2 with the broncos
2015 Brady in year 14 beats Wilson in year 3.

So- lets look at how long it took superbowl winning QBs to get their first championships-
Warner- 1 year starting with the rams.
Dilfer- 1 year with Baltimore.
Brady- 1 year starting.
Johnson- 2 years with the bucs.
Roethlisberger- 2 years.
Wilson- 2 years.
Rodgers- 3 years.
Eli manning- year 4.
Brees- Year 4 with the saints.
Flacco- year 5.
Payton Manning- year 9.... By a long shot the longest drought on the list... But 7 pro bowls before hand, 6 division championships, 12 playoff games, an average of 30 touchdowns a year, and being pretty much the consensus best passer in the league pretty much justifies the Colts holding on to him.

So- in light of the actual facts... tell us how teams should stay away from improving at the quarterback position again.

How about giving us all an example of why keeping cutler will benefit the bears in the long run... give us a guy who performed at cutlers level and made a difference in year 7.

Give us all a sound, logical reason why NOT trying to improve the position is the right course of action.

Give us all a single example of a player who has had a six year probowl drought and remained competition free at the quarterback position since 2000.
Give us an example of a player who led the league in interceptions two seasons, (made especially bad by the fact that he only played a single 16 game season in 6 years) who had a single playoff berth and remained the unquestioned starter without even a hint at legit competition or a single serious effort to replace him.

"anyone but him".... yes. Because you will not find a single example of a player that has been given the rope he has been given only to continually hang himself.

Find me a single QB that has been given 7 years without competition in the past 30 years with as dismal an interception problem, as dismal a playoff berth record, a 6 year pro bowl drought, and as horrible a performance as compared to his peers, and I will never again mention Cutler on this board.

If you can't find a comparable guy- which you absolutely will not- then quit acting like the guy is valuable and persecuted. this level of shit continuing is absolutely unprecedented in this league.


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Nov 5, 2012
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Cutler is going in to year 10, with a single playoff win against a 7-9 team. one single pro bowl berth as an alternate 7 years ago on another team. He began his career here with an absolutely amazing defense, and still could not get the job done. He was surrounded by offensive talent at key positions that was among the best collections in the league. and still couldn't get it done. 6 uncontested seasons is more than enough time to see what he is and if he is worth keeping, and the answer is a resounding no.

To the point of seeking out "the guy" being a losing strategy, league history over the past decade and a half says you are full of shit.
Lets look at how super bowl winning teams have dealt with the position, shall we? Lets see how long a guy needs to be on a team before becoming successful.

2000 super bowl- Kurt warner (15 regular season starts for the rams) wins over Steve Mcnair (his 3rd season with the titans)
2001 super bowl- Dilfer in his first season with Baltimore wins over Collins in his second season with the giants.
2002- Brady in his first season beats Warner in his 3rd season with the rams.
2003- Johnson in his second season with tampa beats Gannon in his fourth with the raiders.
2004- Brady in his 3rd season beats Delhomme in his first season with Carolina
2005-Brady in his 4th season beats Mcnabb in his 6th season
2006- Roethlisberger in year 2 beats Hasselbeck in year 5.
2007- Manning in year 9 beats Grossman in year 4.
2008- Eli in year 4 beats Brady in his 7th year starting.
2009- Roethllisberger in year 4 beats Warner in his fourth year as a cardinal
2010- Brees in year 4 with the saints beats Manning in year 11
2011- Rodgers in year 3 starting beats Roethlisberger in year 7
2012- Eli in year 8 beats Brady in year 11
2013-Flacco in year 5 beats Kaepernick in year 1
2014- Wilson in year 2 beats Manning in year 2 with the broncos
2015 Brady in year 14 beats Wilson in year 3.

So- lets look at how long it took superbowl winning QBs to get their first championships-
Warner- 1 year starting with the rams.
Dilfer- 1 year with Baltimore.
Brady- 1 year starting.
Johnson- 2 years with the bucs.
Roethlisberger- 2 years.
Wilson- 2 years.
Rodgers- 3 years.
Eli manning- year 4.
Brees- Year 4 with the saints.
Flacco- year 5.
Payton Manning- year 9.... By a long shot the longest drought on the list... But 7 pro bowls before hand, 6 division championships, 12 playoff games, an average of 30 touchdowns a year, and being pretty much the consensus best passer in the league pretty much justifies the Colts holding on to him.

So- in light of the actual facts... tell us how teams should stay away from improving at the quarterback position again.

How about giving us all an example of why keeping cutler will benefit the bears in the long run... give us a guy who performed at cutlers level and made a difference in year 7.

Give us all a sound, logical reason why NOT trying to improve the position is the right course of action.

Give us all a single example of a player who has had a six year probowl drought and remained competition free at the quarterback position since 2000.
Give us an example of a player who led the league in interceptions two seasons, (made especially bad by the fact that he only played a single 16 game season in 6 years) who had a single playoff berth and remained the unquestioned starter without even a hint at legit competition or a single serious effort to replace him.

"anyone but him".... yes. Because you will not find a single example of a player that has been given the rope he has been given only to continually hang himself.

Find me a single QB that has been given 7 years without competition in the past 30 years with as dismal an interception problem, as dismal a playoff berth record, a 6 year pro bowl drought, and as horrible a performance as compared to his peers, and I will never again mention Cutler on this board.

If you can't find a comparable guy- which you absolutely will not- then quit acting like the guy is valuable and persecuted. this level of shit continuing is absolutely unprecedented in this league.

2 things -

Name a QB with hair as consistent as Jay's


Name a QB that has a name that also sounds EXACTLY like a letter in the alphabet. (Jay = J)...until then keep your "football facts" away from my franchise gunslinger.

Packer Fan

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Aug 21, 2012
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Cutler is going in to year 10, with a single playoff win against a 7-9 team. one single pro bowl berth as an alternate 7 years ago on another team. He began his career here with an absolutely amazing defense, and still could not get the job done. He was surrounded by offensive talent at key positions that was among the best collections in the league. and still couldn't get it done. 6 uncontested seasons is more than enough time to see what he is and if he is worth keeping, and the answer is a resounding no.

To the point of seeking out "the guy" being a losing strategy, league history over the past decade and a half says you are full of shit.
Lets look at how super bowl winning teams have dealt with the position, shall we? Lets see how long a guy needs to be on a team before becoming successful.

2000 super bowl- Kurt warner (15 regular season starts for the rams) wins over Steve Mcnair (his 3rd season with the titans)
2001 super bowl- Dilfer in his first season with Baltimore wins over Collins in his second season with the giants.
2002- Brady in his first season beats Warner in his 3rd season with the rams.
2003- Johnson in his second season with tampa beats Gannon in his fourth with the raiders.
2004- Brady in his 3rd season beats Delhomme in his first season with Carolina
2005-Brady in his 4th season beats Mcnabb in his 6th season
2006- Roethlisberger in year 2 beats Hasselbeck in year 5.
2007- Manning in year 9 beats Grossman in year 4.
2008- Eli in year 4 beats Brady in his 7th year starting.
2009- Roethllisberger in year 4 beats Warner in his fourth year as a cardinal
2010- Brees in year 4 with the saints beats Manning in year 11
2011- Rodgers in year 3 starting beats Roethlisberger in year 7
2012- Eli in year 8 beats Brady in year 11
2013-Flacco in year 5 beats Kaepernick in year 1
2014- Wilson in year 2 beats Manning in year 2 with the broncos
2015 Brady in year 14 beats Wilson in year 3.

So- lets look at how long it took superbowl winning QBs to get their first championships-
Warner- 1 year starting with the rams.
Dilfer- 1 year with Baltimore.
Brady- 1 year starting.
Johnson- 2 years with the bucs.
Roethlisberger- 2 years.
Wilson- 2 years.
Rodgers- 3 years.
Eli manning- year 4.
Brees- Year 4 with the saints.
Flacco- year 5.
Payton Manning- year 9.... By a long shot the longest drought on the list... But 7 pro bowls before hand, 6 division championships, 12 playoff games, an average of 30 touchdowns a year, and being pretty much the consensus best passer in the league pretty much justifies the Colts holding on to him.

So- in light of the actual facts... tell us how teams should stay away from improving at the quarterback position again.

How about giving us all an example of why keeping cutler will benefit the bears in the long run... give us a guy who performed at cutlers level and made a difference in year 7.

Give us all a sound, logical reason why NOT trying to improve the position is the right course of action.

Give us all a single example of a player who has had a six year probowl drought and remained competition free at the quarterback position since 2000.
Give us an example of a player who led the league in interceptions two seasons, (made especially bad by the fact that he only played a single 16 game season in 6 years) who had a single playoff berth and remained the unquestioned starter without even a hint at legit competition or a single serious effort to replace him.

"anyone but him".... yes. Because you will not find a single example of a player that has been given the rope he has been given only to continually hang himself.

Find me a single QB that has been given 7 years without competition in the past 30 years with as dismal an interception problem, as dismal a playoff berth record, a 6 year pro bowl drought, and as horrible a performance as compared to his peers, and I will never again mention Cutler on this board.

If you can't find a comparable guy- which you absolutely will not- then quit acting like the guy is valuable and persecuted. this level of shit continuing is absolutely unprecedented in this league.

I appreciate the effort in this post. But there are some winning names on that list that I do not think are as good as Jay Cutler. Cutler has weapons now and a terrible defense. But a full team around Jay for once and perhaps he will make the list.


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How about giving us all an example of why keeping cutler will benefit the bears in the long run... give us a guy who performed at cutlers level and made a difference in year 7.


Of everything you said, this is what is the most relevant. After 6 years with the team, if keeping Cutler won't benefit the Bears in the long run then there is no point for him to be in Chicago.


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Of everything you said, this is what is the most relevant. After 6 years with the team, if keeping Cutler won't benefit the Bears in the long run then there is no point for him to be in Chicago.

So what do you do then if there is no QB you feel is going to be good from this draft class? If that is how you felt, what would you do? Would you draft a guy anyway just because he wasn't Cutler and then HOPED that he proved you wrong?
