"Mayo said Saturday he was unaware the over-the-counter product contained a substance banned by the league. Asked if he understood how people question that when athletes work so hard on their bodies, Mayo said he probably could ask any NBA athlete about DHEA and didn't think he'd get an answer."
"There are just so many substances that are considered banned substances because in some way it could help your performance on the court," Mayo said. "As athletes, we should be responsible for what we put in our bodies. I understand that."
"After my incident, I was told that you really have to pay close attention to what you purchasing, even if it's out of a Walgreens or a supplement store or GNC, anything, from cough medicine. It can be on the list,"
If the list really containons stuff you can get at your local walgreens, I can see how someone could make a mistake.
OJ mayo is really good friends w/ OJ Mayo so I doubt he is really a bad kid.
O.J. Mayo Blames Energy Drink for Testing Positive for Performance-Enhancing Drugs - NBA - NESN.com