Can someone define for me what constitutes being a troll on here? I am very confused by that terminology. If it is just from the use of sarcasm, then i think most people would be classified as trolls on here. I know I would be. People make snarky nasty comments to each other all the time and like to do their best to push other people's buttons. And I am being sincere when I ask this. What made his comment fall into the trolling category? I am neither defending or condemning what he said. It is just an honest curious question.
And if I am a troll I'd want to look like this. Tater, you remember she has that cool purse to carry all her troll stuff in.
All the yahoo articles you post, yet you cannot put "internet troll" into a search engine and get your answer?
In the simplest of terms, he is "trolling" for a response from someone that holds the opposite belief that he has (in this case). Another way of putting it is responding with a snarky response or "troll bombing," not to be around to defend the comments.
It is true that someone could have inserted a priest and little boy comment, but IHF was successful in putting that image in everyone's minds himself before anyone could/would respond.
More on trolling:
Not that I care too much about derailing, etc., (this is NHTA, and how IHF puts it "just" a hockey board) a post such as that fuels certain debates/arguments/flame posts.
I really hope the puck is dropped soon, because if there's a long work stoppage in the NHL, it's going to be one long ass offseason.