He's right. They haven't been a good watch for a few years now. It has nothing to do with Yu....it has everything to do with lack of production. Nothing makes a team look worse or uninteresting more than a team that can't score runs. Every mistake is blown out of porportion when you know they can't score enough to overcome it. They were like 21st in run production but it's far worse than that.....they'd beat the crap out of somebody and score 12 or 13 runs then score 7 over the next 5 games. Last year they were a HR team that didn't hit very many HRs.....like 18th in that catagory. I can see why Theo headed out the back door. Hoyer has a lot of work to do and it appears he'll be doing it with very little financial help from his owner.
This guy's gonna have to be the next Harry to make this team a "good watch".
For what it's worth you also have to consider that a large portion of that was the make up the line up had. I know people's eyes can glaze over when i start talking about statistics but bear with me here. Simply stated, strike outs matter more than other outs. I've been preaching this since before Baez even debuted as that was my biggest worry about him at the time. Strike outs are worse because putting the ball into play gives positive out comes even on bad swings. You can have errors. You can have fluke hits. You can have runners who are fast who beat out the throw to first. So on and so forth.
The thing to consider is that Schwarber is already gone and he struck out 29.5% of the time. Bryant is a slightly different story as he's been more average prior to last year but if they trade him then you're looking at someone who last year struck out 27.2% of the time. Kipnis also struck out a ton.
The front office has already started to change their approach to hitters in the minors. Davis for example is a 18.1% k rate in the minors and given how quickly he's being pushed that very well might drop as he ages into "average" age for a league. Hoerner is another low k rate guy.
The up shot of all of this is that decreasing the team's k rate will make the offense more consistent. The risk is that the offense may not score as much overall because you did have the big games where they would score a ton. Additionally, the fact that they have started to grab guys with some speed is interesting. I grew up in St. Louis in the 80's and the cards teams were so fun to watch because they were built on average and speed. It'll likely never be the same as that anymore given how SABR feels about steals but more speed on the team makes for more interesting innings IMO because singles can send guy 1st to third rather than just first to second.