I'm just saying that:
1. Nobody trying to win over Chicago is going to put Lebron ahead of Jordan.
2. If we're going to play the titles game then we should acknowledge Michael isn't in the top 10, and that Robert Fucking Horry must be better than both.
3. This argument is dumb.
4. I still love you.
5. Obviously it's Jordan, and if you say Lebron it's because you were touched by an uncle.
Meh, #2 is a ridiculous argument because one was the reason for the titles, the other was not. That said, it isn't just about titles, although Mike never lost a championship from college on. Regardless of how you slice it, the self-proclaimed GOAT had to ring chase, then went and lost as the clear favorite. The debate was settled then tbh. I mean, this is pretty much settled in the media and public opinion as well, even though there is a very loud LeBron minority. The next great player is still being compared to MJ. They've been calling guys the next MJ since MJ was in the league. That doesn't mean I think LeBron sucks, he's just not the GOAT.
Other than that, I agree with you, but it makes great sports talk radio lol