I played a bit with Type 2 Diabetes -and that can really be, streaky, I guess is the best way to describe it- it really helps to have some sort of idea about what carbs are slow release and which ones can pick you up fast (as they end up letting you down just as fast -- and is a perfect way to look completely spent). It really sucked, so I can imagine what Pisani goes through.
Doug Wilson, was supposed to be ( either hypo or hyper) glycemic- I can't remember exactly which one it was - and they mean about 180 degrees the opposite effect - I think it was when he was burning too much energy -and is related to diabetes- I think it must have meant his blood sugars were chronically low - and that is what really zaps you of all sorts of things, and especially endurance. Now there was a guy that really managed it well -which is saying a lot because in between then and even when I got diagnosed -they have learned a lot about that condition.
Anyways- thx for pointing out the article.