Dent: Bears' Super Bowl ranks ahead of Stanley Cup

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Jun 12, 2010
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By Fred Mitchell

Former Bears defensive end Richard Dent gives his props to the Blackhawks, but in his world, their Stanley Cup title does not rank ahead of the Super Bowl XX championship, with regard to local fan appreciation.

"I think (the Blackhawks title) is coming at a very good time for Chicago," said Dent, who was Super Bowl XX MVP. "When Mike (Jordan) was here, it was a basketball town. People probably appreciated him more than the game itself. In Chicago, (the Blackhawks crown) ranks more than the (2005) White Sox. Not knocking the Sox down in no way. This is probably a true Chicago experience to both sides of the town for the game itself, not a North Side vs. South Side, which I think kind of diminished the enjoyment of the Sox. Probably the majority of people in town are Cubs (fans).

"I don't think it ranks up there with our championship. People had a swagger when they talked about our championship because they know we would go out and kick ass and take names and come home with a victory. There was no doubt, there was no worry. It was all about taking care of business. If (the Blackhawks) play like that over the next three or four years....then you can start talking about other stuff."

Dent recalled taking a flight recently and sitting next to a woman in her late 60s from Australia who had no idea who he is. "She was talking about how the (current) Bears were not like the '85 Bears and how much she loved Jim McMahon. She didn't know she was talking to me and I just kept it like that. But the point of it is that through her accent and how she expressed herself, to me it was just amazing. She had me giggling inside. It was a good moment."

Photo: Richard Dent and his son R.J. watch the Blackhawks Stanley Cup parade. (Nancy Stone/Tribune)



Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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The 85 Bears championship cannot be messed with. That team was just dominant and didnt leave a doubt.
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