I think everyone needs to stop jumping to conclusions. 1) We have no idea how impaired the driver was (he could've blown a .04 & been arrested, happens all the time); 2) we have no idea if Rose was even drinking; & 3) we have no idea whether he knew how impaired his friend was at the time. Everyone handles their alcohol differently. I have been utterly shitfaced & carried on perfectly normal conversations with friends who had no idea I had drank anything. I'm not condoning what he did, but I'd hold off on the grandiose life-saving comments for the officers & the condemning comments on Rose until I have all the facts.
Still, drunk driving is utterly stupid & I will admit, I have been that stupid when I was Rose's age.
I agree. I don't blame others for jumping to conclusions, that is very human. But the facts are missing here. I don't drink, but damn, I could have a few beers, come up with a drunk positive, and my abilities would be no more impaired than if I drank a few glasses of water. I would have no way of ever believing that I would have a high b/a blow on a test, especially if none of my sober friends would see no difference.
Like yourself, I'm not ready to defend the driver or Rose, as if they were innocent. But I also am not going to go on attack mode, as if they were stumbling on their own feet, piss drunk, and jumping into a car recklessly. Like I said, don't drink, but I'm not going to make everyone that drinks into some kind of extreme careless moron with their decisions.