Despite another losing season, 'this' losing feels different.


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Apr 19, 2013
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It does feel different. However next year is going to be THE year that determines if this plan will indeed work. As some of the big name prospects come up we will see how close we really are. I mean the rotation and bullpen are actually decent. The problem is 6 of the 8 positional spots have been embarrassing this season. Left field and catcher are the only positions were the Cubs have actually been average or better. The Soriano/Lake combo and the Castillo/Navarro combo have been respectable. Every other position has been a disaster. Schierholtz has done well in RF as well but the infield is an embarrassment. Rizzo and Castro better improve in every way imaginable. Next year I believe Alcantra will have his shot at taking the 2B job. If he is unsuccessful I hope we move Lake or Baez to 2B. Olt is gonna be the guy I am more intrigued to see next spring training. If he takes 3B then that changes everything, and I expect Castro to be traded. But hopefully next year the INF contains at least 2 of the Alcantra/Baez/Olt/Bryant or it will be another painful year.

The guys who are the "Core" players need to be consistent and Samardzija, Rizzo, and Castro have been anything but.


New member
Apr 18, 2013
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It does feel different. However next year is going to be THE year that determines if this plan will indeed work. As some of the big name prospects come up we will see how close we really are. I mean the rotation and bullpen are actually decent. The problem is 6 of the 8 positional spots have been embarrassing this season. Left field and catcher are the only positions were the Cubs have actually been average or better. The Soriano/Lake combo and the Castillo/Navarro combo have been respectable. Every other position has been a disaster. Schierholtz has done well in RF as well but the infield is an embarrassment. Rizzo and Castro better improve in every way imaginable. Next year I believe Alcantra will have his shot at taking the 2B job. If he is unsuccessful I hope we move Lake or Baez to 2B. Olt is gonna be the guy I am more intrigued to see next spring training. If he takes 3B then that changes everything, and I expect Castro to be traded. But hopefully next year the INF contains at least 2 of the Alcantra/Baez/Olt/Bryant or it will be another painful year.

The guys who are the "Core" players need to be consistent and Samardzija, Rizzo, and Castro have been anything but.

Actually, I see Baez getting to 3B before Olt or Bryant for that matter. I don't feel Baez has enough to defend at the major league level at SS IMO, nor does Alcantara, and I would actually let Baez play at a position where he can think mainly hitting which is any position but SS.

Bryant may be an OF'er, or who knows, he may be better suited for 1B in time with his height and natural infield skills and Rizzo may be the one that gets bumped or moved?

And yes, this team offensively has been a disaster all year and the FO needs to focus more in that area and not just replacing the guys they lost in Feldman, Garza, and Soriano. I know those guys need to be replaced, but just replacing them puts them right back to where they were before this year started if the guys picked up equal players lost.

They need to improve not only there, but other areas as well if they ever plan on competing and just giving Olt a chance and falling back on Valbuena to play 3B is not going to cut it.

Fans IMO are not going to continue to pay large market prices for a small market team and attitude. Better get with it Rickett's. :popcorn:


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Apr 19, 2013
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Yeah this year they have done better than last season. They are 6 games ahead as of now and the post deadline roster last season was beyond embarrassing. The rotation was as bad as the offense is now. We should get to around 70 wins. If we regress next year, or any other year until we contend jobs better be lost. Even if we remain bad, we sure as hell better improve every single season. That's the point right? We get better slowly every year by improving the farm. Well if the guys from the farm start to come up and we get worse, is not going to get it done.


New member
Apr 18, 2013
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Yeah this year they have done better than last season. They are 6 games ahead as of now and the post deadline roster last season was beyond embarrassing. The rotation was as bad as the offense is now. We should get to around 70 wins. If we regress next year, or any other year until we contend jobs better be lost. Even if we remain bad, we sure as hell better improve every single season. That's the point right? We get better slowly every year by improving the farm. Well if the guys from the farm start to come up and we get worse, is not going to get it done.

I know people are going to point out that the team is better than last year by the win totals, but lets also not forget that the Cubs had Volstad, Raley, Berken, Rusin, Germano, and a shut down Samardzija towards the end. I know Rusin has bettered himself, but the rest was pathetic and should easily have been upgraded by anybody with a pulse. :popcorn:


Apr 28, 2009
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Nice article, but it begs the question. Haven't the Cubs always participated in the draft? Since the answer is yes than it isn't new what the current management is doing.

And offering up money to FA or prospects in trades has a much higher chance of success than continually going thru all your minor league starting pitchers in hopes of finding a guy you may never have in a Kerry Wood.

The build of the minors is fine, but teams that don't use both usually fail. And if you are going to be heavy one way than the other as a big market team you error on the side of free agents/trades imo.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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I know people are going to point out that the team is better than last year by the win totals, but lets also not forget that the Cubs had Volstad, Raley, Berken, Rusin, Germano, and a shut down Samardzija towards the end. I know Rusin has bettered himself, but the rest was pathetic and should easily have been upgraded by anybody with a pulse. :popcorn:

Well some of us have said that win totals are not particularly meaningful in non-playoff seasons. I have mentioned it only when arguing with people who sate it is the most important stat. And what you just described is why I have been saying for months that this team would be better than last year and that the team would be better post deadline than last year's team post deadline.


Graham Dougie=UNBEATABLE!
Jul 25, 2011
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Lemont, IL/Carbondale, IL
Very well written article. I really liked it and, it's the honest to god truth.
