Have to be honest...don't really care who the announcer, color analyst, inside the glass, etc is. Don't really pay much attention to them and seem to zone them out during the game. I suppose certain guys are better than others or rather some are more annoying than others, but I could probably have none of them and be perfectly happy to watch and listen to the sounds of a hockey game.
If you can tune them out, that is great.... but for the rest of us.... listening to Pierre or Brian Engblom or Dave Strader meatball drooling all over the broadcast really does suck.
Pierre is the worst IMO.... dude is like if you took one of the hockey meatball bros from Wrigley tomorrow and gave him a headset and put him between the benches.... "Ermagherd DER KANER AND DER TAZER AND DER STAMKERS AND DER BERN BERSHERP ERMAGHERRRRRD". He mostly rattles on about the star players regardless of whether they are actually doing anything interesting and spends the remainder of his time overreacting to stuff that doesn't matter.
Case in point.... Kruger's injury during game 6.... he covered it like a nutbag for some reason.... "Kruger is hurt, hes not on the bench, ok hes still not on the bench, hey guise Kruger is not on the bench, ok hes back on the bench, ok he appears to be drinking water and talking, ok Kruger is actually smiling, this just in he still has his skates on, ok he went out for a shift"...
Pierre is like having a really dumb, really annoying hockey meatball that you cannot get out of your living room.