Does anyone else struggle to like what has become of the NFL?

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Lex L.

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Apr 21, 2010
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Im talking about all the rules theyve made that favors the QB over the past 10 years, just so Peyton Manning can be on 20 commercials instead of 10.

I dont like how every time something bad happens to a QB, they go and make a rule about it. Brady gets lost for the year on a clean hit, so they go and make a screwball rule. Peyton Manning doesnt touch the ball in OT againts the Chargers followed by the same thing happening with Favre and Minnesota against New they change the over time rules.

I dont like how a league that can be so strong, where almost every franchise is doing well make itself so exclusively about whatever team has Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Brett Favre. There's something wrong with that. You shouldnt take the other 27 fanbases that are also strong for granted.

Then you also have New Orleans being ravaged by a flood and losing a home game to NY.

I also dont like how the NFL lobbies communities to build new stadiums and then goes and starts exporting regular season games to England.

I dont like how they charge full price for preseason games and then the way they want to remedy this is by adding two regular season games. And then Goodell tries to use that and exporting games as an argument for adding two more games to the season.

The hall of fame voting sucks.

Peter King

Joe Buck

Mike Tirico

I also dont like how the NFL has made the Super Bowl unwatchable for the most part. And Im sick of every thing having a concert, whether its the Super Bowl, the first game of the season, or whatever.

I dont like how the QB rating has become the end-all, be all of how to evaluate QBs. I think teams tailor their play calling around it. As a result, you dont see teams throw downfield as much.

There's probably more things about the NFL that bother me but thats all I have for now. And Ive grown up watching the NFL practically all my life.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Im talking about all the rules theyve made that favors the QB over the past 10 years, just so Peyton Manning can be on 20 commercials instead of 10.

The rule changes you are more than likely referring to apply to all QB's, not just a select few. Also, they're not protecting QB's just to market the QB's themselves (I mean, they do market them, but that's not the sole reason they "protect" them), they are attempting to promote offense in the NFL, specifically a high-octane passing game. Do you know why? Because fans have made it abundantly clear that they want to watch that kind of football, and will spend their hard-earned "entertainment dollars" on any game that provides that.

Ever notice how soccer isn't that big of a sport in the US? That's a big reason why.

Brady gets lost for the year on a clean hit, so they go and make a screwball rule.

They didn't institute that rule just for Tom Brady, rather he was the coup de grace to an issue that had been a problem for a few years: QB's being prone during or immediately after their throw, specifically referring to their respective lower bodies. Again, this wasn't a rule change aimed at protecting just Tom Brady, it was aimed at protecting all QB's around the league so they can continue on providing the type of offense fans have demonstrated a propensity to spend money on.

Peyton Manning doesnt touch the ball in OT againts the Chargers followed by the same thing happening with Favre and Minnesota against New they change the over time rules.

:rolleyes: If you think those are the only reasons they changed the overtime rules (forgetting things like, you know, fan and media outcry for years as well as the NFL admitting years ago that they were thinking of reviewing the rules), then you need to get a new television set or computer or something.

I dont like how a league that can be so strong, where almost every franchise is doing well make itself so exclusively about whatever team has Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Brett Favre.

What are you talking about? For years people have been lauding the parity the NFL has been able to infuse in the league, and the NFL is actually one of the better professional sports leagues at marketing many teams as opposed to just a select few. All the Patriots and Giants love? That's on ESPN, not the NFL.

There's something wrong with that. You shouldnt take the other 27 fanbases that are also strong for granted.

They don't. Look at how the NFL has conducted itself over the last decade, and it should be obvious to you that they don't take those fan-bases for granted.

Then you also have New Orleans being ravaged by a flood and losing a home game to NY.

This makes no sense. So NY was supposed to lose on purpose to NO? :rolleyes:

I also dont like how the NFL lobbies communities to build new stadiums and then goes and starts exporting regular season games to England.

As it stands, there might be two home games a year lost by the entire NFL fan-base. That's 1) peanuts and 2) good business for the NFL. :rolleyes:

I dont like how they charge full price for preseason games and then the way they want to remedy this is by adding two regular season games. And then Goodell tries to use that and exporting games as an argument for adding two more games to the season.

Then make more money if you can't afford it, because the reason the the NFL or the teams (I'm not sure if the NFL mandates ticket prices or even suggests them, but whatever) "get away" with that is because fans are willing to pay it. They'd run themselves out of business if they noticed that fans would still come out in droves at a higher price point, but decided to stay at a lower one anyways.

And Im sick of every thing having a concert, whether its the Super Bowl, the first game of the season, or whatever.

This we can agree on. I hate that shit too.

I dont like how the QB rating has become the end-all, be all of how to evaluate QBs. I think teams tailor their play calling around it. As a result, you dont see teams throw downfield as much.

Yes, despite everyone and their mother recognizing that this is a passing league (the NFL included, and they have gone so far as to implement rules making things this way), they don't throw downfield enough.....because of QB Rating? :bowrofl:


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 18, 2010
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i hate how people complain stuff was always better in the "good old days" give me a break

the NFL is very good as it is

the game is still evolving and it's great

we have some of the best QBs playing right now in the history of the sport

NO just won a super bowl thats right the freaking saints

quit complaining because you still want to live in the 80s or 90s

Lex L.

New member
Apr 21, 2010
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i hate how people complain stuff was always better in the "good old days" give me a break

the NFL is very good as it is

the game is still evolving and it's great

we have some of the best QBs playing right now in the history of the sport

NO just won a super bowl thats right the freaking saints

quit complaining because you still want to live in the 80s or 90s

Kvatch. The NFL today isnt football. And whats so special about the Saints winning the super bowl?

And to say they have some of the best QBs under the current modified rules makes comparisons apples and oranges. It should be easy to do well now.

Theyve turned the league into a joke. I just watch out of habit.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Kvatch. The NFL today isnt football. And whats so special about the Saints winning the super bowl?

And to say they have some of the best QBs under the current modified rules makes comparisons apples and oranges. It should be easy to do well now.

Theyve turned the league into a joke. I just watch out of habit.

:rolleyes: Then just stop watching and stop talking about it. You clearly have some love for an archaic, lame brand of football that has long since passed (and good riddance), so do the same as a football fan, then.


The Wizard of OZ
Apr 21, 2010
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I don't know ...

As someone who has been watching NFL Football for 40 years (yeah, I'm that old!) I can see both sides of this argument. I do think that football has gotten too soft. They blow the whistle too early when a RB has 2 or 3 defenders on him and gets pushed back a few yards. Walter Payton and others used to find a way to stay on their feet, escape and break free for additional yards. The pass interference rules favor the receiver too much, and they should just put a skirt, or "flags" on the QBs.

I understand that these rules were implemented to increase scoring and protect players. Fans like the higher scoring games, and no one (including myself) wants to see players get hurt. But I do miss the old rules when games typically ended 14-10 or 10-7. I still think a sack or an interception is more exciting than a first down or a TD. I'd rather watch great defense than great offense.

That having been said, I think the game is just as exciting as it has ever been. There is much more parity now than there was back then. Every week you are likely to see several upsets, and usually a couple of overtime games. The new rules give teams a better chance to come back from down 14 or 17 points and that's always exciting.

Free agency (and the salary cap) has changed the game dramatically. You don't have the "dynasties" as much as you did in the 70's and 80's and that gives bad teams more hope to turn things around in just a few years, but superstar players are much less likely to play their whole career with one team, and, to me, that's just as much of a bad thing as it is a good thing.

I like that they moved back kickoffs so there are more runbacks. I like that they brought back the 2 point conversion, and I like the regular season overtime rules so fewer games end in a tie.

The introduction of the internet, and sports networks have made it generally easier for fans to become more knowledgeable about the game and to feel more connected to the players.

Is football better or worse today than it used to be? In some ways both. The game is still exciting but for different reasons. The changes have come gradually and, as a Bears fan, I'm just as excited about NFL football, now, as I have ever been.


Grammer Po-Po
Apr 17, 2010
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I'm also excited as ever for NFL especially the Bears. But to an extent, I agree that some of the rules have tainted the game. I don't like all these rules protecting the QBs. Some of these flags being thrown for a dude grazing the qb with his hand a half millisecond after the release is just stupid.


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Apr 19, 2010
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I'm also excited as ever for NFL especially the Bears. But to an extent, I agree that some of the rules have tainted the game. I don't like all these rules protecting the QBs. Some of these flags being thrown for a dude grazing the qb with his hand a half millisecond after the release is just stupid.

That has never, ever been flagged as a penalty in the entire history of footbal. Really, never.


Grammer Po-Po
Apr 17, 2010
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Whenever a pass rusher jumps towards the QB with his hands up and lands and his fingers lightly graze the helmet, they are flagged. That is a joke. Yeah, ok that's going to give him a concussion.

I know touching the helmet is illegal but that's my point it's babying the quarterback, making it borderline flag football.

That rule needs to be changed to reckless touching of the helmet or intent to seriously injure or however they want to word it.
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The Wizard of OZ
Apr 21, 2010
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... Some of these flags being thrown for a dude grazing the qb with his hand a half millisecond after the release is just stupid.
I think you are exaggerating here to prove a point, but I get what you are saying.

That has never, ever been flagged as a penalty in the entire history of footbal. Really, never.

No, you are right, but I have seen plenty of flags called when a defender is running at full speed and hits the QB just after the ball is released. Sometimes the player has been in midair at the time the ball was released. The defender doesn't know if the QB is throwing or pump-faking and you can't stop 300lbs in 2/3 of a second.

Those penalties are just absurd.
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Grammer Po-Po
Apr 17, 2010
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Thanks. I may have been exaggerating to make the point but at least you understand what I was trying to say.


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Mar 15, 2009
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The rules protecting the QB's has to be done. They are the golden boys of the leaue, so I understand it. But of course it still pisses me off when a b.s. roughing the passer is called. But it all balances out.

One thing about the QB rules, that I've noticed anyway, all QB get the call. It's not like Brees draws more roughing calls than Trent Edwards. It's not like the NBA where stars get the benefit more. At least that's what I've noticed.

the only thing I don't like about the NFL today compared to the "good old days," is the parity. A lot of people love it, I don't really.

I like the days when you had dynasty teams. I know there was N.E. but I doubt they would beat the 80s Niners, 90s Cowboys, 90s Broncos, any of the NFC teams that won the SB between 1984-1996.

Now it seems that teams are good one year, miss the playoffs the next. Look at the Bears. Go to the Superbowl and miss the playoffs for 3 straight years. I know free agency changed everything, but I liked the days of great teams.


May 30, 2010
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Im talking about all the rules theyve made that favors the QB over the past 10 years, just so Peyton Manning can be on 20 commercials instead of 10.

I dont like how every time something bad happens to a QB, they go and make a rule about it. Brady gets lost for the year on a clean hit, so they go and make a screwball rule. Peyton Manning doesnt touch the ball in OT againts the Chargers followed by the same thing happening with Favre and Minnesota against New they change the over time rules.

I dont like how a league that can be so strong, where almost every franchise is doing well make itself so exclusively about whatever team has Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Brett Favre. There's something wrong with that. You shouldnt take the other 27 fanbases that are also strong for granted.

Then you also have New Orleans being ravaged by a flood and losing a home game to NY.

I also dont like how the NFL lobbies communities to build new stadiums and then goes and starts exporting regular season games to England.

I dont like how they charge full price for preseason games and then the way they want to remedy this is by adding two regular season games. And then Goodell tries to use that and exporting games as an argument for adding two more games to the season.

The hall of fame voting sucks.

Peter King

Joe Buck

Mike Tirico

I also dont like how the NFL has made the Super Bowl unwatchable for the most part. And Im sick of every thing having a concert, whether its the Super Bowl, the first game of the season, or whatever.

I dont like how the QB rating has become the end-all, be all of how to evaluate QBs. I think teams tailor their play calling around it. As a result, you dont see teams throw downfield as much.

There's probably more things about the NFL that bother me but thats all I have for now. And Ive grown up watching the NFL practically all my life.

no offense but i disagree with about 90% of what u say. Sure the protecting the QB thing is BS but the other things i dont mind as much as u do. The Super bowl thing? I love everything about the SB and if you dont like whos playing at Halftime dont watch it. QB rating is in no way the tell all for QB's. The NFL is not a Stats league so thats why i dont see where yourew coming from. Never been to an NFL game so i cant say anything bout the Prices on tickets.

Lex L.

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Apr 21, 2010
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The rules protecting the QB's has to be done. No it doesnt. The popularity of the NFL had been snowballing since the 70s. It has never needed that.

They are the golden boys of the leaue, so I understand it. I know people arent going to like what Im about to say but, the making the QBs the faces of teams is a function of choice. It seems like the owners want the QB to be the face of their teams. Lets just think about this for a second. Probably about 80% of the QBs in the league are white. Around 75% of the US is white. Im not saying its overt. Im pretty sure theyre seeing dollar signs here and a bi-product is something that could be interpreted as borderline racist. I mean, QB is the only position (non kicker) thats about 80% white. Would you rather risk having someone like Jamal Lewis, who went to prison, be the face of your team? No. Like I said, Im not saying owners are overtly doing this, but its there.

But of course it still pisses me off when a b.s. roughing the passer is called. But it all balances out. No it doesnt. There are several QBs in the league who the rules arent enforced as strenuously for as Brady and Manning. This comment is head in the sand. The sequence of calls when the Pats played the Ravens are a classic case of that. Ive seen Orton take shots countless times that would have been flagged if it was Brady.

One thing about the QB rules, that I've noticed anyway, all QB get the call. It's not like Brees draws more roughing calls than Trent Edwards. It's not like the NBA where stars get the benefit more. At least that's what I've noticed. see above

the only thing I don't like about the NFL today compared to the "good old days," is the parity. A lot of people love it, I don't really.

I like the days when you had dynasty teams. I know there was N.E. but I doubt they would beat the 80s Niners, 90s Cowboys, 90s Broncos, any of the NFC teams that won the SB between 1984-1996. I agree with this.

Now it seems that teams are good one year, miss the playoffs the next. Look at the Bears. Go to the Superbowl and miss the playoffs for 3 straight years. I know free agency changed everything, but I liked the days of great teams.

in red
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New member
Mar 15, 2009
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"No it doesnt. The popularity of the NFL had been snowballing since the 70s. It has never needed that."
"There are several QBs in the league who the rules arent enforced as strenuously for as Brady and Manning. This comment is head in the sand. The sequence of calls when the Pats played the Ravens are a classic case of that. Ive seen Orton take shots countless times that would have been flagged if it was Brady. "

Doesn't mean we have to be stuck in the stone ages. I think the rules to protect QBs are fine. Just because the league's popularity continues to rise, doesn't mean you can't take measures to protect players.

I've never noticed Brady or Manning getting more calls than any average QB like Orton. Are there any numbers on this? Has there been any study done this that you know of? It something that can be easily kept track of. There might be something out there.

Lex L.

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Apr 21, 2010
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"No it doesnt. The popularity of the NFL had been snowballing since the 70s. It has never needed that."
"There are several QBs in the league who the rules arent enforced as strenuously for as Brady and Manning. This comment is head in the sand. The sequence of calls when the Pats played the Ravens are a classic case of that. Ive seen Orton take shots countless times that would have been flagged if it was Brady. "

Doesn't mean we have to be stuck in the stone ages. I think the rules to protect QBs are fine. Just because the league's popularity continues to rise, doesn't mean you can't take measures to protect players.

I've never noticed Brady or Manning getting more calls than any average QB like Orton. Are there any numbers on this? Has there been any study done this that you know of? It something that can be easily kept track of. There might be something out there.

10 years ago isnt the stone ages. It was only 10 years ago. The league should be pushing for more balance. The league has been healthy for a long time but the fact that theyve tried to turn it into flag football to promote a few players on a few teams is a function of choice.


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Apr 19, 2010
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The league should be pushing for more balance.

What are you talking about? The amount of parity in the league has risen to such levels that people have begun arguing against it. The NFL now is a league where pretty much any team, regardless of how they did last season, can be a playoff contender the next season with almost minimal effort.

The league has been healthy for a long time but the fact that theyve tried to turn it into flag football to promote a few players on a few teams is a function of choice.

How many times does it need to be explained to you that the NFL isn't protecting just one or two specific players? The NFL has decided that they want to be a passing league, mainly because fans have responded well to the uptick in offense and general excitement of more passing across the board. Now, in football, where does the passing game have to flow through and which specific player is the most important? The Quarterback. The league isn't protecting the likes of Manning and Brady just because they are Manning and Brady, they are protecting QB's across the board because they realize that the QB position is the biggest factor in a potent passing game which, as highlighted numerous times for you, fans have shown they enjoy thoroughly and will shell out big bucks to see.

Oh yeah, and there's that whole Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy thing that they want (or at least should want) to nip in the bud.


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Mar 15, 2009
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10 years ago isnt the stone ages. It was only 10 years ago. The league should be pushing for more balance. The league has been healthy for a long time but the fact that theyve tried to turn it into flag football to promote a few players on a few teams is a function of choice.

I know that. But the point you made was because popularity has been increasing since the 70s, then it's okay to not better protect players? That's how I read it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Going by that logic, should the NFL not address player concussions or make advancements in equipment because the ratings and TV deals will remain sky high regardless of who gets hurt?

But the only rule changes haven't been done to only help QB. QBs don't need extra promoting, like I said before, they are the golden boys. That's the marquee position in all of sports. The QB. It doesn't need promoting. You can throw all rules out the window tomorrow and the QBs will still be the most popular.

But back to my point about rules. After T.O. got hurt they made a rule to penalize the horsecollar tackle. So everything hasn't been done to protect the QBs only.
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