I have to say I get sick of seeing our defensemen, and it ESPECIALLY pisses me off when it's Keith like the other night, choking in a 2 on 1 situation. Getting beaten is one thing, but playing it completely wrong is another.
I was always told that if you're the defender in a 2 on 1 you ALWAYS cut to the man without the puck and make sure you take away the pass. Half the time, like Dunc did the other night on the shortie, we try to take both the puck-handler AND cut off the pass.
Lave the guy with the puck to the goalie. He's going to have to watch the damned biscuit anyway. Take away the possibility of a pass and let your goalie concentrate on one attacker. If you don't the goalie has to cut to one side of the goal to defend against the puck handler, and the other attacker is going to have a wide-open net after the pass. Cut the damned pass off, forget about the guy with the puck, and let the netminder do his job.
Jesus that pisses me off and Duncan Keith should know better...