Lived in RFD until moving to Austin in 2011... While I miss a lot of friends, I'm glad I left.
Ludicrous property taxes
State income tax (none in Texas)
I have very different opinions on gun control, unions, and government in general than the majority of people in Illinois.. My political views align much more closely with the way Texas government works.
Better weather
Better roads and infastructure... When a road construction project starts here... Sometimes it actually gets completed!!!
Prettier girls
Better restaurants (Austin versus Chicago isn't even close).
I could go on and on...
I thought it was funny that selections 1-9 are in either California, Michigan, or Illinois... Well known as 3 of the most liberal, union driven, blue states in the country.
And yet, (similar to gun control in Chicago) some people fail to make the connection between the real world and failing government policies/ideas/principals… Or they do see it and don’t give a shit because it’s in their own interest not to change.