Gobble up this 'tasty' sequel - a review


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Mar 15, 2009
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Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds: Dingo Games for Windows or Mac, $19.99; www.dingogames.com.
Imagine you are little ball of nameless goo. And imagine that you are hungry - ravenously hungry.
That's the premise for this captivating casual game from Dingo Games.
Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds is a sequel to a game first released some four years ago. I didn't get a chance to sample the first offering but am glad to have been able to try the second.
As each level starts, players control a small ball of goo. The object is to steer the ball around the screen and eat up any smaller object. As objects are consumed, the ball increases in size and can therefore go after ever-larger items.
The ball can be controlled with the mouse or the keyboard.
As play progresses the perspective may change. You may think a level has been cleared, but the camera zooms out to reveal a much larger playing surface.
The gameplay proves to be pretty simple, but Dingo Games adds variety by changing things up from one level to the next. Some may be like mazes, while others will require a player to consume a specific number of a particular object.
Other levels feature characters, like rats, that will pursue your ball of goo. Eventually, the ball should get larger enough to turn on its tormentors.
At some point, that little ball of goo will turn into a planet-chomping monster.
Play levels feature six time periods, including Egyptian and Roman themes.
All the action takes place under a pleasant soundtrack and amusing sound effects.
There is a single-player and two-player game. Game modes feature timed levels and casual play in levels that have been unlocked through the timed mode.
Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds offers captivating gameplay in a charming setting. You will find yourself coming back for more.

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By: Kush77
