Some of them i doubt:
The "desktop". I think this will linger around much like record players and manual transmissions will. Far too much tinkering ability. Yeah, they will be niche market but IMHO they'll be around.
Theaters. The big marketing push is 3d, but the problem with 3d is that in all but the most elaborate home theaters, at-home 3d television is less of an "immersed in a 3d world" experience and more of a "looking out a window at a 3d world" experience. The limiting factor being screen size. While it's possible a projector and a wall can help, unless the screen fills most of your angle of vision, 3d will likley not catch on much in the home market. Until glasses that have built-in screens with a high effective resolution or holographic projection gets invented, Theaters, especially iMAX, will still be around.