That's really shitty Ton. What did you do? What can you do? I will keep my ears open.
It was in retail, they stuck me with the worst shifts... today I was 3 hours late, and I told them about it in advance -- you'd think with all the crappy hours I took they could cut me some slack, but the store director was pissed and pulled the trigger. Good luck finding someone that never complained, flexible with hours, and worked harder than the average employee while we are currently at the busiest time of the year. Everyone there literally talks about how lazy they are, how they don't want to work, how they just don't give a ****... etc.. etc.. not only did I work hard, but also kept all negative thoughts to myself and was even more positive and upbeat than some of the managers that work there. This is the 2nd time that I've been fired for complete bullshit after working my ass off for the company, just because someone had a power trip. The 1st time it happened, the company actually had to hire 2 people to fill my position.
I've worked in sales and retail, also food biz. I'm not looking for a full time job, but I do need something while I'm taking classes to give me some cash to go out, pay bills, and not to mention keep IHN open for business.