[quote name="bookjones"]
[quote name="Stu Grimson"]Holy unnecessarily big signature... any way we can make it a bit smaller, please?[/quote]
It doesn't look oversized on my laptop or standing monitor. Is it ginromous or something on your end? I didn't see the harm in breaking from the norm and having a celebratory signature for a couple of weeks in honor of the momentous SCF---it's not like I'm chronic poster or anything.
I made the pics slightly smaller---is that better?[/quote]
It's not a huge deal and I didn't mean to come off as an asshole if I did. But scrolling through the thread, it looked like a separate post in between posts, LOL.
BTW, both of those pictures reek of PURE AWESOME!
Your new sig is PERFECT you should use the center tag, though.