Happy B day Chasman one of the few Hawk fans from the land of Hawks who have come to honour my presence on this earth.
I still owe you one. You are good people. Still blows me away that you took time out of your day to come up to Vancouver and bring me gifts of frankincense and muir....but at the same time I can't blame you for doing so.
Joking aside that was awesome that you did that and shows a true character of a person. Was great meeting you for only a short moment and you left a huge impression on me. Happy B Day.
Thanks Jason, glad I could make the trip up there.
Thanks everyone for the B day wishes, I'm in PHX for the week visiting grand kids, had a great time watching the Yotes beat the Wangs .
Hope the hawks come thru and give me a win for my B Day.
Doing ribs nd chicken on the grill for my B Day.
It's 75 out, never had it so good for my B Day.
Thanks Bri for remembering me today, hope one day we can meet.