honestly, the more i think about it, the more that i'm convinced that lou is extraneous to the cubs' woes. sure lou has made some poor decisions regarding the playing time he gives colvin in my opinion, and only having ramirez sitting out games because of his poor pinky finger, but i really don't think the managing is at fault. yeah, it's fun to be able to point the finger at the jolly fat man and blame lou for the cubs this year, but i think he only deserves so much of it.
what this team really lacks is that heart and fire we saw in '08. granted, i think two years ago the cubs had a slightly better roster with derosa in the infield and lee and ramirez actually hitting, but castro is solid and byrd and colvin are picking up some offensive slack.
with lou in his last year of his contract, i'm pretty sure he's certain that he's not coming back next year. which, i guess, explains his apathetic managing - the

lineups, etc. - but this ball club has no fire.
now, the first thing to pop into your head is, "but enjoyyourtiger, it's the manager's responsibility to get his players fired up and get them to want to go play ball and win some ball games!"
and you sirs, are correct. which is why lou only gets some of the blame. whether or not he's lost his fire, the guys on the field are who win and lose ball games. sure lou can try and screw stuff up putting in grablow or homerun howry in a one run game, but it's our boys in blue that are playing.
so, it breaks down like this. lou doesn't give a shit. the cubs know that and we know that. hell, everyone but hendry and ricketts know that. so we just split the blame. so in the event that lou gets canned, we're worse off that we are now. because then we have no manager until ryne sandberg or bob brenly step in. which, honestly scares me.
so, yeah, i've sort of lost my train of thought.