its not that anyone is happy about this article, its more of an equality thing. hinrich got away with being sub-par for a long time, while bg did so much more for the team and yet the media and drones continued to bash him. even john salmons began to take criticism before this article came out. up until now, nobody ever mentioned kirk's shooting woes and instead blamed it on other things. it was even suggested that their losing games could be attributed to rose being too selfish! that just tells you the media doesnt know shit. and its about time that kirk start taking some of the criticism too.
and im not saying this is any of kirk's fault, i DO NOT hate the guy and wish he wasnt put in this situation. but there is "propaganda" out there that conveniently leaves kirk out of any negative press, and if you cant see that, you need to take another look. again, i know this is nothing of kirk's own doing, but that doesnt change the fact that it isnt fair and that he is obviously the "favorite"