[quote name="bubbleheadchief"]You're right our military leaders should have said "Sorry old boys, she's one of yours. We're going to sit this one out." Yeah we have a team operating in the area, and you guys don't, and she will be gone either moved or killed by the time you get here....but she isn't our problem. Yup that makes sense.
Bri, the second story by a BRITISH newspaper, doesn't imply that Team Six did this, it flat out states they did. Now I am not saying they have facts wrong, or they are making things up, but for a guy who has worked with several different Teams in both training missions and real world missions, they have a lot of information for something that I can GUARANTEE was a classified mission.[/quote]
I concur, this was a classified mission and that the hostage was killed by a frag grenade. The only question I have is why a grenade of that type was used in such close quarters?
I wasn't there, I don't know what the situation was in regards to who was where. But if your in a rescue mission, you usually do not throw a frag. Most likely a flash bang, but never a bomb.