How to read a safety.

Chris Sojka

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
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If you drive the Safety he will either stay over the top inside, over the top outside, underneath inside or underneath outside.

Nobody seems to have communicated this to or receivers and QB yet which shows how poorly they are coached. For the X, your job is to simply read the Safety. If the safety stays over top and you have outside leverage the QB should throw the ball to the 9 8 or 7 o’clock of the X reciever before the second part of the route just before he changes direction. The WR, Robinson has shown he can do all of this at an extremely high level. This is rare but If the safety plays outside over top coverage the X should cut inside and unless Brian Urlacher is there to stop it(Tampa 2 style) that’s a 20+ yard completion.
In the event that they are playing to prevent deep plays by playing off coverage and over top the route should be adjusted to an 9 o’clock out route, 6 o’clock curl or 5 o’clock comeback route. The hardest throw to make is a sideline throw to the 11 o’clock of the receiver. Only the Best QBs in the league can make this throw consistently. In the event of the corner under and the safety deep in this becomes the only way to connect deep. If you can hit this 2x in one game the defense is fucked. It opens every route over 20 yards with the Safety cheating over and now gives you those throws at 2, 3, 4 o’clock all game basically. The reverse can be said about the Y.

Aaron Rogers literally masters these concepts. Mahommes as well. It’s why so often you see defenses giving up points to these guys.

It’s also why in sports they say it like “clockwork”

hope you learned something today.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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In between fellating 4M, you should pass along these words of wisdom.
