Perhaps a super huge PC version could handle all that. For a console, that might be a bit much. There's a bunch of stuff in 2k11 that's sorta like what you asked for (my player mode for one). Things like Summer league, draft combine, endorsements, and maybe a couple others exist already. Maybe they're not up to your standard, but seeing as how I can't afford this new fancy gaming technology, I really wouldn't know for sure. I know Oblivion has a pretty darn good facial feature engine thing so perhaps if they used something like that they could get something like what you're looking for. Actually...I wouldn't mind something like that either. I hate the premade faces. I think NBA Street Vol 3 had a a pretty mediocre editor for facial features, at the very least they could do that.
I agree for commentary as well, but the cost of that is probably pretty high. As far as physics and techs/other stuff go, I'd love that too, but that would be pretty hard to put into games as it is. Perhaps one day they'll get it though. I have a feeling that things like technicals would annoy people, but whatever. They don't matter.

I totally agree on the whole name, date of birth, school, voices, and all that stuff. I hate when you create a player and they just get called "Number _____".
I agree with a lot more of what you said, but some things I just don't think are feasible right now, or cost effective. Then again, this is an ideal game so I suppose that's moot. xD