I usually take the players side, but if you understand how the market works, how the economics of the nature works, the owners are absolutely right in the case of wanting to balance and lower obligated contracts.
Remember, when the players get more money, who pays for that? You would be fooling yourself if you think the owners do. We do, we pay more for the tickets. Then it's a double whammy, because when it comes times for the teams to renovate or rebuild a new venue, a larger part of that burden gets passed down to the local tax payer, and not the owners, who should be held responsible for such investments.
The owners for the most part, have been very generous with what they give to the players. There is a solid history of owners in the NBA helping out players and their families, the community and so on. In fact, it is in their best interest to do so, because if they don't the public will scrutinize them and the tickets will not sell.
I'm sorry Doug, but as far as economics goes, you are very wrong when it comes to supporting the players here. Regardless of what someone would believe to be morally right, it will not improve the game, it will not make things better for the players, it will not make things better for the fans.
If anything needs to change on the administrative end, Stern needs to step down.