[quote name="winos5"]
Yeah, he was implying all conflicts and financial disasters are the machinations of evil global bankers in their lust to manipulate the global economy and enslave all man kind (dub in maniacal laugh and pet hairless cat)[/quote]
He contradicted himself technically, as well. He starts off by saying basically you are stupid and know nothing about economics and if you did then you would understand. Then goes on to call actual expert economists stupid, just because they dont agree with his viewpoint.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be too surprised about some shadow organization attempting to rule the world. I just don't think there is enough evidence to support it. Like the 9/11 inside job conspiracy theory, Way too many people would have to knowingly be involved, without someone or many someones blowing a whistle whilst providing solid evidence.
The key point for me is this, he argues the one thing the shadow organization wants more than money is power. here's the thing if it did exist, I don't even think it would come to fruition in my life time. Even most of these conspiracy theorists, believe this has been set in motion since at least WW2, this guy believes earlier than that with the creation of the federal reserve. Anybody pushing this movement forward will never even get to realize their goal so whats the point?
Its not like a government official putting fourth a reform to healthcare or something that he knows wont get realized in his life time, for the good of the people, so he still does it.
World Domination is a selfish goal, wtf would you even attempt for it there were no chance to even revel in your victory?
It would take a HELL of a catastrophe, for them to be in control of all the the world in the next 40-50 years and it would have to be something a little more than a depression.
They would have to like reveal aliens have visted earth and they are invading tomorrow.
I don't know maybe its just me, but I dont even know why anyone would want the job of ruler of the world.