Is McCown playing Cutler out of a contract?


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Nov 5, 2012
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only meatball bears fans would even consider this after a backup qb plays a good game and a half. packer fans didn't say lets trade rodgers after matt flynn lit up the lions

I think you may be missing the larger point. Much of the debate about Cutler returning next year is based upon numbers. Not his projected stats or what he would do vs. what McCown does statistically, but what he is willing to take next year. If you think the Bears have not gained major leverage in contract talks you are kidding yourself. Trestman, for the 2nd game in a row, has shown that a quality and smart QB can function and excel in this offense as Jay did for a lot of this year. This all comes down to dollars. Jay said he would take a hometown discount in the past and I believe him - now the question is where the Bears see his value numerically moving forward.

optimus prime

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Sep 13, 2013
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What leverage? Cutler can easily walk and get a fat paycheck from another team.


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That's assuming he wants to leave. The guy is hardly hurting for money. I really don't know how to read it right now.


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Nov 5, 2012
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What leverage? Cutler can easily walk and get a fat paycheck from another team.

The leverage is that if he decides to do that he would be leaving an offense that was built around him in efforts to winning and winning soon. Jacksonville, St. Louis, Tampa Bay, and Minny all look far less enticing to me not only with players but coaching as well.

The leverage is that the Bears may look at the situation (if the season ended today) and say "Jay we want you back - but we are more predicated on the idea of shoring up our defense with our cap moving forward we think you are worth 'x' amount of dollars" and actually mean it. If Trestman truly can have success with players with less talent at the QB position then the business should act accordingly.

All I know is that next week will be fun to watch.


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Aug 20, 2012
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The leverage is that if he decides to do that he would be leaving an offense that was built around him in efforts to winning and winning soon. Jacksonville, St. Louis, Tampa Bay, and Minny all look far less enticing to me not only with players but coaching as well.

The leverage is that the Bears may look at the situation (if the season ended today) and say "Jay we want you back - but we are more predicated on the idea of shoring up our defense with our cap moving forward we think you are worth 'x' amount of dollars" and actually mean it. If Trestman truly can have success with players with less talent at the QB position then the business should act accordingly.

All I know is that next week will be fun to watch.
Here in lines the problem with that concept.

You aren't guarenteed good qbs in a system. The quarterback position isn't a plug and play position--long term. Don't be ignorant. You don't lost talent thinking you can make shit into gold, that's truly stupid. Do you think Trestman is some ultimate coordinator where any other head coach in league didn't have the same idea? That you can make magic with any quarterback? Cmon.. You can't be that naieve, like Trest is some ultimate godsend who will make a UDFA into Tom Brady and succeed. Jesus, some people.

Mccown played just as I EXPECTED HIM TO. A damn good backup who will win you some games while your starter is hurt, keep the guys confidence and morale up and work with the team. Couldn't be a better team guy on the Bears right now. So excited to have him as the Bears #2. Doesn't mean you say bye to jay, if you do you are in for a long meatball Bear fan ideal that you can turn shit into gold- which, unfortunatley, is exactly what Bears fans think. Maybe Mccown has always been a damn good backup. He's shown me when he originally signed with the team 2 years ago he was a good backup. He should have started over Hanie for god sake. Let us not forget that some Bears fans thought Hanie was the next big thing, too lol


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Nov 5, 2012
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First off - UDFAs are not an option and no I don't think Trestman has ideas that no one has ever thought of. But I do think he sets up QBs for success better than any other coach that has come through Chicago.

I'll reiterate my point. The leverage has everything to do with dollars. I state nothing about plugging and playing for a long term solution. What the point is, is that the Bears have new gained leverage when it comes to these contract talks. What I am trying to say is that if I was running a football organization in this day and age it would take an awful lot for me to commit 100 million dollars to a QB at 30+ years of age. I think you would agree with that desperado as I know you have stated your ideal deal for cutler was around the 65 million range if I recall correctly. A previously poster stated that 100 mil would go to Cutler no doubt and I disagree with that. If the Bears don't make/win the Super Bowl they are faced with a decision that looks like this -

A.) Sign Jay for a modest deal in the 50-70 million dollar range for 3-4 years with the money front loaded and invest heavily in the defense through FA and the draft of course.


B.) Jay gets paid what his contemporaries are making at around the 100-115 million dollar mark for 4-6 years and you have far less to invest in a team that could realistically be really fucking good if the defense stops sucking cock.

I don't think you can plug and play long term with a less than ideal Quarterback but I do feel that Jay should not make an ungodly amount of money in his next deal - and I think Jay is smart enough to realize that as he has pointed out the hometown discount numerous times. If Jay were to say no - I am not signing a deal for less than 4 years or 100 million or whatever (hypothetically speaking) I feel as if the Bears would stand their ground. I'll be the first to admit I want Jay back - but for the right price.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Jeffery can stumble, but he knows how to use his body and can leap and snatch the ball. He has better hands than Marshall. He should get a long term deal. People will find a way to criticize McCown, but I thought he made some really good throws. I've always been impressed with his ability to handle pressure. A lot more athletic than he's given credit for, but the arm is not close to Cutler territory.

I was big on the Cutler arm strength bandwagon when he first got here too, but haven't we seen firsthand how overrated this attribute is? For every unbelievable fastball throw Cutler makes he misses two easy ones. It's like in the NBA when some guy pulls off a breakaway dunk and people stand up and shout, but at the end of the play it's still 2 points and a layup would have had the same result.


Aug 21, 2012
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Baltimore, Maryland
Mettenburger? smart? no... he's awful


Aug 21, 2012
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Baltimore, Maryland
Yep. That kid in Buffalo is out playing EJ Manuel, Kirk Cousins has out played RG3 before too. Expendable indeed

he's not even in Buffalo anymore he got released. Maybe the Packers will pick him up.


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Aug 20, 2012
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First off - UDFAs are not an option and no I don't think Trestman has ideas that no one has ever thought of. But I do think he sets up QBs for success better than any other coach that has come through Chicago.

I'll reiterate my point. The leverage has everything to do with dollars. I state nothing about plugging and playing for a long term solution. What the point is, is that the Bears have new gained leverage when it comes to these contract talks. What I am trying to say is that if I was running a football organization in this day and age it would take an awful lot for me to commit 100 million dollars to a QB at 30+ years of age. I think you would agree with that desperado as I know you have stated your ideal deal for cutler was around the 65 million range if I recall correctly. A previously poster stated that 100 mil would go to Cutler no doubt and I disagree with that. If the Bears don't make/win the Super Bowl they are faced with a decision that looks like this -

A.) Sign Jay for a modest deal in the 50-70 million dollar range for 3-4 years with the money front loaded and invest heavily in the defense through FA and the draft of course.


B.) Jay gets paid what his contemporaries are making at around the 100-115 million dollar mark for 4-6 years and you have far less to invest in a team that could realistically be really fucking good if the defense stops sucking cock.

I don't think you can plug and play long term with a less than ideal Quarterback but I do feel that Jay should not make an ungodly amount of money in his next deal - and I think Jay is smart enough to realize that as he has pointed out the hometown discount numerous times. If Jay were to say no - I am not signing a deal for less than 4 years or 100 million or whatever (hypothetically speaking) I feel as if the Bears would stand their ground. I'll be the first to admit I want Jay back - but for the right price.
He won't ask for 100+ million and he wants to stay on team. Quote me in your sig til the end of season right now so I can back up my talk if you want. Jay Cutler will not be leaving this team after the offseason. He wants to stay on with Marshall, Jefferies, Bennett and this organization with Trest; bank me as a sig if you want.


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Aug 20, 2012
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I was big on the Cutler arm strength bandwagon when he first got here too, but haven't we seen firsthand how overrated this attribute is? For every unbelievable fastball throw Cutler makes he misses two easy ones. It's like in the NBA when some guy pulls off a breakaway dunk and people stand up and shout, but at the end of the play it's still 2 points and a layup would have had the same result.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2012
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I dont want to bank you as a sig or anything. 1 out of like the 400 people on this board actually quote people for shit like that...thats just weird. We actually agree on this topic if you read what we are saying.


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Aug 20, 2012
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I dont want to bank you as a sig or anything. 1 out of like the 400 people on this board actually quote people for shit like that...thats just weird. We actually agree on this topic if you read what we are saying.
No, I understand what you are saying but I am 99.9% sure Cutler isn't going anywhere and it will be hilarious when fans see he isn't.

He won't command 100 plus anyways to be honest.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2012
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I agree. He sees the opportunity here. My comments were mainly to the folks that said "no he will walk and get 100 Mil from the Jaguars etc." Which I know for a fact that as a QB - you would be really stupid to leave what is being built here in Chicago. I also think inadvertently, McCowns good performances put some friendly pressure on Jay and I think Jay responds well to pressure. I am looking forward to next week. It will be a good one.


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Aug 20, 2012
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I agree. He sees the opportunity here. My comments were mainly to the folks that said "no he will walk and get 100 Mil from the Jaguars etc." Which I know for a fact that as a QB - you would be really stupid to leave what is being built here in Chicago. I also think inadvertently, McCowns good performances put some friendly pressure on Jay and I think Jay responds well to pressure. I am looking forward to next week. It will be a good one.
Hey, repped for good post.

Nonetheless, how about Mccown? Even if we don't know the guy, how can ya not love the way he goes about the game? Fuckin great man, I tell ya- been fan of his days like '04. Love the way he plays. He got emotional iin post game interview


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2012
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Thanks man - will get you one back. . He was awesome - and the offense was behind him which was awesome. He made plays and controlled the game that was big. He is a huge asset to this team right now.


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Aug 20, 2012
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Thanks man - will get you one back. . He was awesome - and the offense was behind him which was awesome. He made plays and controlled the game that was big. He is a huge asset to this team right now.
Thanks bro. Yeah, I really dig Mccown. For all the asshole prima donnas like Sanders, Vick, Haynesworth and Incognito's of the league. There are still some good guys left out there that want the team to succeed and enjoy football. It's a pleasure watching Mccown play tonight and i always dug his ballsy play in preseason. I was super pissed when they cut him last year in preseason, and I was somewhat "football" moved by the guy wearing his full pads to a postgame interview and stating how hard he tried in a preseason game because a lof the guys playing were undrafted rookies, stating it may be the last time they ever put on pads. Playing that hard as a veteran for young guys who won't make the team to enjoy the spotlight is pretty damn admirable, ya know.

Major Ursa

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Aug 21, 2012
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Super game by McNown and Jeffries I say trade em both while their stock is hot and draft another QB next year so Trestman can get his guy along with a burner WR

Lol. I assume joking, right?


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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McCown certainly did show that this team does not need an expensive, average QB to win.

Seriously, the Cutler faithful would be crowing from the rooftops that Cutler has taken the leap to elite status if he could have produced a game like McCown did last night.

2 tds, 0 ints, and that throw under pressure for the first td...... if that was Cutler this board would be littered with threads screaming SIGN HIM NOW!!!!!!!

McCown is nothing special, but at least he played smart- something Cutler is incapable of doing in pressure situations- especially in Green Bay. Consult his TD to int ratio and record for clarity.
