This one is tough. It has to be the Beatles, but the Stones have tons of hits. Stones tunes sure are fun to cover, too. So much room to jam. Zep never did anything for me.
That would explain you thinking Chesney is a better musician than Garth Brooks....just bad taste.
Never was a Beatles fan. Tough call on the other two. Hate to say it, but I listened to the Rolling Stones more than I ever did Led Zeppelin. Not really sure why, because the latter are pretty great too.
Damn you for creating this unholy thread.
Sorry brah, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!
** Sean Connery voice**
The Beatles and the Stones at least credit the artists they use. **** Zeppelin.
Ph plz, that's such old news...cmon bro, who is the best at playing teh musicz?
Zep was late to the party and I was never a big fan of Robert Plant.
Rough choice between the Stones and the Beatles, but I give the nod to the Beatles for knowing when to quit.
(Seriously, Mick....just enjoy being an old fart)
Agree on the RS touring forever; disagree on Plant. Guy is a fkn bauss.
Keith Richards is proof zombies are already among us.
Agreed, 3rd place to me.
I gotta go LZ, and I am dismayed to see the hate apparently people have for them.
My argument:
You can make the case each band mate was the best at his given role/instrument of all time. Now I wouldn't make that case for LGuitar especially, but the case can easily be made.