It's official: Cutler is starting


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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Even if he does, his p[rice tag is ten times the size. for that money, he needs to be running the offense significantly better than McCown.

Exactly, most reasonable people like myself understand this clearly.

Spitta Andretti

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McCown has been great, no argument there, this offense is good for him. I'm just saying it took him a long time and he looks great now. So we just can't say Jay isn't going to improve at some point either. I don't take sides, just keeping things real.

Me as well. I don't root for one guy or another, I root for the production. But Jay and Josh both started in this offense at the same time so it would worry me if Josh has picked it up and Jay is still struggling to understand a simple concept of not turning the ball over.


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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Me as well. I don't root for one guy or another, I root for the production. But Jay and Josh both started in this offense at the same time so it would worry me if Josh has picked it up and Jay is still struggling to understand a simple concept of not turning the ball over.

If I had my choice I would put McCowns head on Jay's body.


Active member
Dec 12, 2013
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Trestman is making the call which is causing everyone else's response which in turn leads to yours.

Riiight, brilliant. Anyway, are you now going to sift through the 19 pages of response and give everyone the same dumb message, or is there a particular reason you singled mine out?


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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I am staying away from the arguments as they lead to nowhere. What I will say is that in my opinion this decision by Trestman does not give the Bears the best chance to win this must win game this week. I think it would be silly to think elsewise. Perhaps Trestman has other things on his mind like making a QB decision for next year, and that is standing in his way. Perhaps that is more important to him than winning this game this Sunday. Personally, I am disappointed in this decision.


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Aug 22, 2012
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I registered simply to post in this nonsense-riddled thread...

"Cutler was playing great before he was injured"
-Whoopty do. That was before he was injured, twice. That was 6 weeks ago. That's completely irrelevant to what's going on right now, in that crucial time period that some people consider important: the present. Cutler's rusty, recovering, and now under a ton of pressure to perform. STUPID.
It IS relevant to what is going on right now because people are acting like Cutler was leading us to an 0-16 season until McCown showed up and got us in playoff contention. Cutler showed he could make plays. If he had been horrible all season, that's one thing, but the fact that he had been playing well means that you can't use how he was playing pre-injury AGAINST him which people are doing.

"I trust Trestman! He's so smaht!"
- Yes, Trestman who is the brilliant man that will leave an obviously injured Cutler in a game for 4 quarters. The same Trestman who kicks on 2nd and 47. The same Trestman who owes it to Cutler for having a hand in helping him get a head coaching job. STUPID.
Trestman who has us as one of the best offenses in the NFL despite more than half the season being QB'd by a journeyman. Say what you want, he knows offensive talent and any denying of that makes you a legitimate JACKASS. What the hell does Trestman owe Cutler? Cutler had a hand? Source that Cutler directly influenced Emery's decision? Stop pulling shit out of your ass.

"McCown was a journeyman, blah blah"
- How could this possibly be any more irrelevant? By this logic, Michael Jordan should be signed tomorrow to the highest paying team. Have you seen his stats? Oh, wait, you mean what's going on RIGHT NOW is what matters? STUPID.
This is probably the most Special person thing I have read in your post and that is saying a lot. let me compare two completely athletes fro two completely different sports who are over 15 years apart in age. Jesus are you this Special person in real life? Do you stay in a special needs home bro?

McCown's got the hot hand. He is clicking with the offense. They're confidence is up, and it's starting to run like a well-oiled machine. So what's the logical next step? Introduce a wildcard! No, you don't know how Cutlers going to perform after being injured and being out for so long.
There may be some rust but the dude has been playing football his whole life and was playing not THAT long ago. This also isn't simply about riding the hot hand. None of you short sighted morons get it. This team is NOT a SB contender. We need to know after this season whether or not we need to invest in QB via a contract or a high draft pick. We are not going to know that "riding the hot hand" of a 34 year old journeyman playing way over his head and forcing the starter and potential long term player on the bench for a hopeless cause.

With all that said, I hope Cutler comes out and looks stellar. I always backed Cutler, and always defended him, despite how I'm increasingly irritated by his attitude(does this man EVER smile?). There's no defending this decision though.
you try to bitch about these "irrelevant" points and than make probably the most irrelevant criticism of a player there is? LOL your whole logic if faulty in this entire post. There is no defending this decision? Of course there is. Cutler is the better player and Trestman has been saying for over a month that Cutler will play when he comes back. Not his fault meatheaded fucks can't listen.

in short. You are a moron and so are the posters who actually liked your comment (LOL)


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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I am staying away from the arguments as they lead to nowhere. What I will say is that in my opinion this decision by Trestman does not give the Bears the best chance to win this must win game this week. I think it would be silly to think elsewise. Perhaps Trestman has other things on his mind like making a QB decision for next year, and that is standing in his way. Perhaps that is more important to him than winning this game this Sunday. Personally, I am disappointed in this decision.

Or maybe Trestman is the coach and he feels Cutler gives him the best chance to win. None of us really know, but logic says Trestman is thinking about winning over everything else, especially since we still have a shot at the postseason.

Run the ball

CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I am staying away from the arguments as they lead to nowhere. What I will say is that in my opinion this decision by Trestman does not give the Bears the best chance to win this must win game this week. I think it would be silly to think elsewise. Perhaps Trestman has other things on his mind like making a QB decision for next year, and that is standing in his way. Perhaps that is more important to him than winning this game this Sunday. Personally, I am disappointed in this decision.

I am disappointed as well. But to be positive here, we're about to find out if Jay can step up to the plate and deliver.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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McCown has been great, no argument there, this offense is good for him. I'm just saying it took him a long time and he looks great now. So we just can't say Jay isn't going to improve at some point either. I don't take sides, just keeping things real.

Granted, but at what point does "some point" become too long? He's out of contract at the end of this year, if he's going to improve he needs to do it now. Since people have said that he's such a better player than McCown, the offense is better now, etc. etc. I don't see why we shouldn't expect to see that improvement right away and for the rest of the season.

Midway Fields

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Aug 21, 2012
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I am disappointed as well. But to be positive here, we're about to find out if Jay can step up to the plate and deliver.


You agreed with the guy who said elsewise lol.


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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Granted, but at what point does "some point" become too long? He's out of contract at the end of this year, if he's going to improve he needs to do it now. Since people have said that he's such a better player than McCown, the offense is better now, etc. etc. I don't see why we shouldn't expect to see that improvement right away and for the rest of the season.

I don't know man, I like McCown and he would be much cheaper. However, McCown has had a few good games but over his career it's not so great. I try to keep things in perspective, he really has played some bad defenses. However, he has shown a lot on the field. Do we just assume McCown is our guy for the next 2-3 years based on the few good games he has had? As far as Cutler is concerned, we will see. I highly doubt Josh would have been successful here the past few years because we had shit OCs, WRs, and an Oline. Now we have the tools on O to be effective maybe even with Josh. However, I am old enough to know that it's very risky taking a leap on someone for putting a few good games together.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Riiight, brilliant. Anyway, are you now going to sift through the 19 pages of response and give everyone the same dumb message, or is there a particular reason you singled mine out?

Because you went through the trouble of registering to make that one meatball post. Figured it was obvious.
