The only reason Lin is getting THIS much praise is because he's in NY. If he was here doing these things I doubt there'd be quite as much craze. There'd still be people going nuts because he's Asian and stuff and it's just a good story, but the NY media is going to milk this story until the unfortunate day that he has a bad game and loses. Then people are going to dismiss this stretch of really really good basketball on his part (yeah he has a lot of turnovers, but I mean he's been thrown into the starting PG role, which is no easy task in itself, and done extremely well regardless of TOs) and throw him under the bus. Fans are fickle. He's got talent, and you can't deny it. He's been the Knicks best player for the past 7 games. So what if he's played bad teams? Before all this, if anyone looked at NY's roster and saw that Bill Walker, Jared Jeffries, and Lin were starting they'd mark that game as a loss for them. You don't score that many points against that many teams by some fluky stroke of luck. He's done it all shooting over 50% or so as well. He may not be as productive outside of the D'Antoni system, but the guy still has skill. He can run the P&R as well as anyone, and that's a skill that translates to any team. I'm not saying teams should even make an offer for him, but he could contribute on other teams if given the chance. Idk. Maybe I'm just biased...:dunno: