Good to hear. My boy isnt speaking sentences yet, so he's behind where my girl was at, but he walked sooner, so i guess that's typical. Much more mama seperation anxiety than the first one. Hope he doesnt turn out to be a cutler, all i can ask.
*fingers crossed*
My kids did crazy stuff at that age too. I grew immune to it and was just worried about them hurting themselves. This one thing with my oldest daughter still haunts me. It was about 12 years ago when she was just a bit over 1 year old. I was home a lone with her and we were sitting on the couch. She ended up sitting up on the arm of it and I just knew she was going to fall off backwards. I wanted to grab her quickly but I wasn't quite close enough to do it and didn't want to startle her and make her fall so I tried to edge myself closer slowly. The plan didn't work. She fell backwards right on to her head. The shrieking crying followed. I quickly gave her the, now famous, healing hug. It worked and the crying stopped almost immediately.
When the wife came home she asked about the bump on our daughter's head and I just blew it off saying who knows how these things happen. Judging from the size of the bump I'd say it happened a couple days ago when you were watching her. You really need to pay more attention to her at this age. She bought it and I was in the clear cause my daughter couldn't talk yet so she couldn't say what really happened.
There's been lots of little accidents with my kids since. Some I managed to prevent and others I could not but for some reason this is the one incident that has stuck with me through the years. It's been replayed in my mind, in slow motion, over and over through the years. Been my damn Ground Hog Day