Kind of corny, but I like it...wonder why??


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May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
T'was the Night Before Christmas-Submarine Style

By Sean Keck

T'was the night before Christmas, and what no-one could see,

The men with the dolphins were under the sea.

Most of the crew was flat on their backs,

Snoring and dreaming all snug in their racks.

Those men on watch were making their rounds,

Some manning the planes or listening for sounds.

Back in maneuvering or down in the room,

They all hoped the oncoming watch would come soon.

I'd finished some PM's whose time was now due,

And hoped for some sleep, even an hour or two.

Against better judgment I took a short stroll,

And found myself wandering into control.

The Nav had the Conn, the COW was in place,

The COB had the Dive and a scowl on his face.

The helm and the planes were relaxed but aware,

The QM and ET were discussing a dare.

To comply with the orders the Nav told the Dive,

To bring the boat up with minimum rise.

The orders were given and soon they were there,

At periscope depth with a scope in the air.

The QM confirmed our position with care,

The broadcast was copied, we brought in some air.

The Nav on the scope let out a small cry,

He shook his head twice and rubbed at his eyes.

He looked once again to find what it was,

That interrupted his sweep and caused him to pause.

Try as he might there was nothing to see,

So down went the scope and us to the deep.

I asked what it was that caused his dismay,

He sheepishly said, "I'm embarrassed to say."

It could have been Northern Lights or a cloud,

Or a meteorite he wondered aloud.

But to tell you the truth I guess I must say,

Whatever it was it looked like a sleigh.

And though it passed quickly and never was clear,

I almost believe it was pulled by reindeer.

We laughed and teased him and I got up to go,

When our moment was broken by "Conn, Radio."

They told us a message was just coming in,

We looked at the depth gauge and started to grin.

"Radio, Conn, I feel safe to say,

Your attempt at a joke is too long delayed.

If it had been sooner it might have been neat,

But I doubt we're receiving at four-hundred feet."

"Conn, Radio, you can come down and see,

We're not playing games to any degree."

I headed aft with nothing better to do,

Surprised by the fact it was still coming through.

It stopped and was sent to control to be read,

The Nav read it slowly and scratched at his head.

Then again he began but this time aloud,

To those that now waited, a curious crowd.

"To you Denizens of the Deep and men of the sea,

Who risk your life daily so others stay free.

I rarely have seen you on this, my big night,

For far too often you are hidden from sight.

But purely by luck I saw you tonight,

As your scope coaxed the plankton to glow in the night.

And lucky for me I've finally won,

The chance to say thanks for all you have done.

I know that you miss your families at home,

And sometimes you feel as if you're alone.

But trust what I say and I'll do what's right,

I'll take something special to your families tonight.

Along with the gifts I'll take to your kin,

I'll visit their dreams and leave word within.

They'll hear of your love, and how you miss them,

I'll tell them that soon you'll be home again.

It might not be much I know that is true,

To thank you for all the things that you do.

But I'll do what I can, while you do what's right,

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight."

I can not take credit for it, but if the Keck that wrote it is who I think it is, he was a Chief on one of the boats I was on. This is just a bit of Christmas thoughts for my family here, and my Brother Submariners that still serve.


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May 14, 2010
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"Some manning the planes or listening for sounds."

How do you have planes on a sub?


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May 15, 2010
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Abbotsford, British Columbia
Think of them as the fins Bri.

Best stanza..

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Along with the gifts I'll take to your kin,[/font]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'll visit their dreams and leave word within.[/font]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]They'll hear of your love, and how you miss them,[/font]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'll tell them that soon you'll be home again.[/font]


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
That was great bubble thanks for sharing.

Is it bad that I understood every single reference to subs in that? I am such a nerd


New member
May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
"Some manning the planes or listening for sounds."

How do you have planes on a sub?

Depending on the class of sub Bri, "planes" is a generic term used for the fairwater planes on some classes or bow planes on others. All submarines have stern planes. These are the "wing" like things that stick out, that are used to control the subs depth when underwater.


New member
May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
That was great bubble thanks for sharing.

Is it bad that I understood every single reference to subs in that? I am such a nerd

No. It makes sense. We all know you love seamen.


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May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
Great version of 'Twas the night before Christmas.

So you sailors have a lot of time on your hands under the waves, eh?


New member
May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
Great version of 'Twas the night before Christmas.

So you sailors have a lot of time on your hands under the waves, eh?
I'll break it down to you like this.......once you're underway, your day becomes 18 hours long, 6 hours of watch, 12 hours of off-watch.

Your 6 hours of on watch is you doing whatever your duty is IAW the watch bill. If you're a helmsman/planesman, you sit in the chair for 6 hours "driving" the boat. If you're a radioman, you are in radio, basically doing whatever you are supposed to be doing, so on and so forth. You are not supposed to do anything other then "stand your watch." The lucky guys are, radiomen they are only really busy when the boat is at PD, sonar, they sit there with headphones on the whole time. TMs, they really dont do shit other then monitor some panels, and a couple other things. The guys back aft are sucking it up, they run the reactor, and that is not a fun job.

The 12 hours of offwatch time you have to get in your maintenance (you cant do it while you're onwatch), training, qualifications, meals, sleep, shower, and anything else you can think of. the shitty part is, if drills happen while you're off watch, too fucking bad, you respond just like it was the real thing.

So do we have a lot of spare time on our hands....depends on how you allot it.

Also that's not the Keck I was thinking of....


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
So do we have a lot of spare time on our hands....depends on how you allot it.

I try not to make jokes unless they have a bit of truth in them and actually make sense
