Site be running slow, so i aint diggin for an old fread.
anywho, for those about me age with dat TF love, a kool ass knockoff devastator is finally out completely. I had bought robot by robot during its slow ass release process dat took over a year. for the coin, its a really good penny to plastic value. i paid about 10 bucks a piece for the first 4 robots, and i is about to order 5 and 6 which are a lil more since the release is newer. anyway.. they do sell a complete set now...which is as low as 70 bucks out there if ye can find it...
introducing da NBK Devastator
which is a ko of this overpriced generation toys devastator
or if you can wait..
jinbao is coming out with an oversized ko of the generation toys dev at 60cm (roughly 24 inches) the ones above be about 15 inches i thank.. however, they are doing a slow release for now..... the jinbao will be in packs of 2 robots for 60 a pack i think. id wait for a boxed set of all 6 down da road, cause itll probably be cheaper and flaws will be fixed with a version 2 if there are any major flaws dat is.. my jinbao os ko bruticus is a version 2 or 3 i think.. fixed loose joints or sumin.. i forget..
anywho, for those about me age with dat TF love, a kool ass knockoff devastator is finally out completely. I had bought robot by robot during its slow ass release process dat took over a year. for the coin, its a really good penny to plastic value. i paid about 10 bucks a piece for the first 4 robots, and i is about to order 5 and 6 which are a lil more since the release is newer. anyway.. they do sell a complete set now...which is as low as 70 bucks out there if ye can find it...
introducing da NBK Devastator
which is a ko of this overpriced generation toys devastator
or if you can wait..
jinbao is coming out with an oversized ko of the generation toys dev at 60cm (roughly 24 inches) the ones above be about 15 inches i thank.. however, they are doing a slow release for now..... the jinbao will be in packs of 2 robots for 60 a pack i think. id wait for a boxed set of all 6 down da road, cause itll probably be cheaper and flaws will be fixed with a version 2 if there are any major flaws dat is.. my jinbao os ko bruticus is a version 2 or 3 i think.. fixed loose joints or sumin.. i forget..