LF / OF options for 2014


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Apr 18, 2013
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Im guessing we will see a few players make their rounds in the OF between now and years end, as the cubs wlll probably take a look at a few of their own near ready OF prospects the rest of this year..

who do you all think may take over LF next year and fill out the rest of the OF for 2014.

Im thinking they will hold onto schierholltz ( they have him for 1 more YR ) and keep him in RF

I think Jacoby ellsbury is the guy they want for CF and leadoff and will go hard after him.

LF will probably go to one of their own or a platoon situation, where they may trade for or sign a player to fill that role.

i wouldnt be surprise to see vitters brought up some time after the deadline and we see him and Lake sharing majority of PT in LF

i think dejesus will be traded


Is it next year yet?
Apr 17, 2010
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Peoria IL
I think Lake gets LF for while now. I think DeJesus and Nate the Great will both be moved this deadline. Then they can go sign 1 or 2 more OF FA to 1 or 2 yr deals. Cubs just want to get to 2015 where they hope to have Bryant LF, Alamora CF, Soler RF

2014 going to be such a lost yr if it was me i wouldnt mine seeing Vitters LF, Lake CF, RF could be FA or even Sweeney since he still has 1 yr left of ARB. If going ot suck rather do it with kids then old crappy vets


Entirely too much tuna
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Nov 22, 2011
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Jeffersonville, Indiana
I'd love for the Cubs to go after Shin-Soo Choo. He'll probably be quite a bit cheaper than Ellsbury and doesn't have the injury history. He's a fairly reliable 20/20 option with a really nice OBP and solid defense. He's generally been a right fielder, and I'd much rather have him get daily PT as opposed to Schierholtz. The Cubs could certainly start giving outfield time to Junior Lake and Josh Vitters regularly. Vitters has improved his plate discipline and walk rate and giving him playing time definitely fits what the Cubs have been trying to do this year in terms of expediting their rebuild.


Is it next year yet?
Apr 17, 2010
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Peoria IL
I'd love for the Cubs to go after Shin-Soo Choo. He'll probably be quite a bit cheaper than Ellsbury and doesn't have the injury history. He's a fairly reliable 20/20 option with a really nice OBP and solid defense. He's generally been a right fielder, and I'd much rather have him get daily PT as opposed to Schierholtz. The Cubs could certainly start giving outfield time to Junior Lake and Josh Vitters regularly. Vitters has improved his plate discipline and walk rate and giving him playing time definitely fits what the Cubs have been trying to do this year in terms of expediting their rebuild.

Dont see Cubs going after Ells or Choo. They be way to much money and i really think they want OF of Bryant, Alamora, Soler by 2015


New member
Apr 19, 2013
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Cubs dropped the ball on this IMO. Should have kept Soriano until next July. Move Bryant to LF if Olt is gonna play 3rd. Bryant could be ready near the end of next season and he could have replaced Soriano after a trade. This is all wishful thinking in the event that Olt and Bryant play to their hype in the majors


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
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What good would it do to keep Soriano until next July? Pay all his salary, miss the chance to trade while a team is desperate, and block a youngster?

Why are people discussing Vitters as a major league player? he has shown nothing. Now he is out for weeks, and reportedly was 15 pounds overweight. Color him gone! We have too many prospects at the same position(s) who have much more potential.

Why sign a FA OF now? (This offseason, that is). Cubs have waited for their young prospects, they have several good position player prospects and need pitchers. Why spend big in the OF now?

We will start to see these guys in 2014, and will see more by 2015. Bryant will be up before too long, as will Olt probably. Not sure about Alcantara - maybe late 2014.

Baez, Soler, Almora......2015?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
I tend to agree with not signing a F/A either.

They have some talent upcoming.

Dejesus and Schierholtz they have control of until next year.

AAA nothing really pops out at ya. Vitters and Jackson but they are looking the color me bust type.

Bryant is a wild card. Not sure how long he will take to develop.

AA they have Szczur and Baez. Baez could be moved to a OF spot if they decide to keep both him and Castro. They will have to do something.

Almora the level below.

So if they retained Dejesus and Schierholtz they could easily replace them with Szczur and Baez at the deadline. That is not even getting into Soler and Bryant maybe making the jump.

So with in a year there will be a log jam up-welling and I do not see the logic of signing F/A to compound the problem.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Anyways trading Sori to open a OF spot then signing a F/A to refill the next year is cheep and a slap in the face to Sori and what he brought over to the team. It would be saying we did not want you here.

So no sorry not good from a PR point and it would be considered shitty.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I still think Scheirholtz gets traded.

Even if he doesn't, he is still not an everyday player. He is useless against LHP. 29 AB and 5 singles, 1 double and 1 RBI on the season.

Unless they sign some significant FA's during this offseason (which I do not think they will since Theo has said they will not build via FA) the team will have nothing but question marks at every single fielding position starting next year, question marks at most of the spots in the rotation. If Garza was no better than a #3 according to most of the experts around here, Shark is a #4 at best by those same standards and will be 29 at the start of next year. Wood has pitched well this year, but is a question mark on if he can follow it up again next year. Jackson is a huge question mark and the rest of the rotation sucks as well as the bullpen.

So again, unless some significant signings are made this offseason, the kind of signings that most on here will whine and cry about, this will be a bottom three, 100 loss team again next year which will be 60% of the way through JedStein's 5 year contract with no improvement at all at the major league level.

One step forward, four steps back.


Entirely too much tuna
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Nov 22, 2011
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Jeffersonville, Indiana
Why are people discussing Vitters as a major league player? he has shown nothing. Now he is out for weeks, and reportedly was 15 pounds overweight. Color him gone! We have too many prospects at the same position(s) who have much more potential.

Vitters is hitting almost .300 this year at AAA and showed improvement with his walk rate and plate discipline. On top of that, he still was adequate enough to stick at third defensively and he had been getting reps in left field. He's at the point where they need to call him up for an extended period and see if he's Ian Stewart or not. The Cubs top tier guys, aside from Olt, are all far enough away that giving Vitters some licks will be inconsequential to their development at the major league level.

Why sign a FA OF now? (This offseason, that is). Cubs have waited for their young prospects, they have several good position player prospects and need pitchers. Why spend big in the OF now?

Because signing a guy like Choo isn't going to block anyone and doesn't hamper their ability to acquire pitching in any way. DeJesus has a $6.5MM team option for next year that I think they'll decline with the plethora of cheaper options they have (Lake, Vitters, Sczcur). Schierholtz will more than likely be traded now or in the offseason, and sliding in a guy like Choo or even Ellsbury, would certainly give them a quality leadoff hitter. I'm a bigger fan of signing Choo because his contract won't end up being the potential albatross like Ellsbury. His injury history is scary, and some team is probably going to be stupid enough to offer him Carl Crawford-money. That contract would be much harder to move in a trade than a more modest figure that Choo will likely receive.

We will start to see these guys in 2014, and will see more by 2015. Bryant will be up before too long, as will Olt probably. Not sure about Alcantara - maybe late 2014.

Baez, Soler, Almora......2015?

The only guy I would be really confident in saying will be a mainstay in the lineup next year is Olt. Bryant would be up late next year if he shows patience with advanced pitching. Baez could also be an outside shot, maybe with a middle infield injury or if he gets some reps in the outfield. Most of the things I've read say that the Cubs prefer to keep him at short. Soler and Almora are still at least a year and a half away. Alcantara reminds me of Lake, in the sense that if they see him get hot against AAA competition, they might call him and see if they can catch a flash in the pan for a short stretch.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
The only guy I would be really confident in saying will be a mainstay in the lineup next year is Olt. Bryant would be up late next year if he shows patience with advanced pitching. Baez could also be an outside shot, maybe with a middle infield injury or if he gets some reps in the outfield. Most of the things I've read say that the Cubs prefer to keep him at short. Soler and Almora are still at least a year and a half away. Alcantara reminds me of Lake, in the sense that if they see him get hot against AAA competition, they might call him and see if they can catch a flash in the pan for a short stretch.

I could see at this time next year Baez in LF, Szczur in CF and Lake in RF. That is really not a big reach. The question is who is going to man CF or RF until then? Bog Sweeney Etc. injury depth and roster relief. Vitters maybe but he seems jinxed along with Jackson. Seems the gods of chance can up snake-eyes for both after they failed to impress last year. As we are seeing with Lake it can be done. Ya the league will adjust but the tool box is there where he can lay down some bunts to get his legs on base. Guys like that tend to be very useful. Add into it he can cover 6 spots he has long term value. Vitters is not that good and because of his limitations needs to hit and he failed to do that last year. This year again seems like dude can't get it going due to injury. Time to turn the page.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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Keith Law was ESPN 1000 ripping Lake saying this is a mirage.


Entirely too much tuna
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Nov 22, 2011
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Jeffersonville, Indiana
Keith Law was ESPN 1000 ripping Lake saying this is a mirage.

Meh, fuckin' Keith Law.... let fans enjoy Lake's streak. If he turns into a competent everyday player, I'd be ecstatic.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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Keith Law was ESPN 1000 ripping Lake saying this is a mirage.

LMAO.. why dont players hit .400 - .500 all year long ? :smug2:
Thanks for your expert opinion on Junior Lake start, keith law

Seriously, the kid is 23 YO and he off to a hot start.. does keith law actually think people think Lake is going to hit this way the rest of the season ?

nobody knows what type of career lake will have , as a cubs fan I just hope he is successful and helps the team win games.


Entirely too much tuna
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Nov 22, 2011
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Jeffersonville, Indiana
LMAO.. why dont players hit .400 - .500 all year long ? :smug2:
Thanks for your expert opinion on Junior Lake start, keith law

Seriously, the kid is 23 YO and he off to a hot start.. does keith law actually think people think Lake is going to hit this way the rest of the season ?

nobody knows what type of career lake will have , as a cubs fan I just hope he is successful and helps the team win games.

Everyone sees what Yasiel Puig has done and expects every young Latin prospect to be the same way. It's a bit silly. Like I said, just enjoy the ride Lake is giving us. He's a fun player to watch. A bit reckless on the basepaths, but fun :lol:


Would like my account deleted
Apr 26, 2013
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Can somebody tell me why people are suddenly penciling Baez in as an Of'er?



Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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Everyone sees what Yasiel Puig has done and expects every young Latin prospect to be the same way. It's a bit silly. Like I said, just enjoy the ride Lake is giving us. He's a fun player to watch. A bit reckless on the basepaths, but fun :lol:



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Can somebody tell me why people are suddenly penciling Baez in as an Of'er?


Because he was a CF in HS and I do not believe that Castro will be hitting .230 long term. This slump has more to do with the adjustments imposed on him vs the league. 2B has potential for either but I'm expecting A.A. To get it in the end. LH bat with some pop goes far on a projected RH heavy line up. I believe the team will be in adjustments for a few years and is is really hard to say he will play: at this point.
