I knew all of these except the propecia one. I had to fire a guy for going to the bathroom and "stealing time". I wouldn't rely on it as a good idea. He Literally would go 30 minutes after the 15min break, every day, which was a hot time for movement, so it was hard to track it, which he knew. It really gave away his character, and his numbers were always lower than average. Talk about getting shit canned.
I also used a coconut IV once on someone. I learned that from a combat medic course in hawaii. I'm pretty sure you can't use coconuts from the store, because they pre-crack the shell for sale, or if they don't crack the shell, you risk the shell being damaged during shipping enough to allow contamination.
There are loads of tips for everything, ironically, if you actually read the manuals on some of the more complicated items, you'll learn a lot, that most people don't know.
Leaving the lid on your washer open to dry out moisture and prevent mold.
Carrying your cigarettes upside down, so they stay packed. (although I quit)
Wet a pair of new/stubborn shoes, stand in them for 15 minutes, and let them dry. They will be broken in.
Pulling on your earlobes cures brainfreeze the best for me. I know it's hit or miss on people with all of the "solutions".
ect. But I love this shit anyways. I love watching dumb people do things backwards even more!