Looking For Advice On Handling A Sticky Situation


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May 14, 2010
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I have a friend that has a problem and am looking for advice on how to handle an uncomfortable situation. She is very level headed and is very tolerant and friendly with people. She is accustomed to dealing with crazies and difficult people and tries to get along with everyone. However, lately she has been having a problem with a super creepy man following her around when she is at work and pestering her. There is something different about this man that makes her blood run cold when he is near her. And when the King of Crazytown (another crazy she deals with) tells her there is something about that guy that just isn’t right, it sets off all sorts of alarms in her head. It is not just her imagination because at least two other women are having the same problem with him. He is always talking about killing things like cats and birds. He bragged about backing over his own cat. Little kids are afraid of him. He always corners her when she is alone. He always asks her if she wants to be his friend and she tries to be polite and says no, I am only friends with people my own age, but he keeps doing the same thing over and over. The other day she needed to take stuff to another floor, but couldn’t cause she was afraid he’d get on the elevator with her and she would be trapped alone with him. She is losing patience and is afraid she will say the wrong thing to him and he will go crazy on her. Her boss is aware of the situation and has told her and the other women to be very careful but unless he actually does something threatening, I don't think there is much that can be done. Any suggestions or advice for her. She went through something similar in High School and it was very stressful and upsetting.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My fiancee works in a boarding school for juvenile delinquent boys, and runs into budding sociopaths daily, thus, she always has a can of mace on her, and not something watered down like american stuff.

Have her check with office/building policies, it might be wise for her to carry some sort of makeshift weapon that would not attract undue attenton among her co-workers, but something that if an altercaion is emminent, she can stop the guy from attacking. and make sure she knows how to use it, where to strike, and that she does it without hesitation! This is her safety we're taling about!


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Go to the HR manager and explain the situation. If that doesn't work take it to the CEO. **** if that dont work, flat out lie and say he grabbed her ass or something. Just reading about the guy I'm creeped out so yeah no remorse for the guy, he's a few cards short of a deck if he brags about killing animals. Also give him the Tom Brady.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Go to the HR manager and explain the situation. If that doesn't work take it to the CEO. **** if that dont work, flat out lie and say he grabbed her ass or something. Just reading about the guy I'm creeped out so yeah no remorse for the guy, he's a few cards short of a deck if he brags about killing animals. Also give him the Tom Brady.

In addition...if it gets past HR...mention "lawyer", "lawsuit", and "press exposee", and chances are something will be done.


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May 16, 2010
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Go to the HR manager and explain the situation. If that doesn't work take it to the CEO. **** if that dont work, flat out lie and say he grabbed her ass or something. Just reading about the guy I'm creeped out so yeah no remorse for the guy, he's a few cards short of a deck if he brags about killing animals. Also give him the Tom Brady.

In addition...if it gets past HR...mention "lawyer", "lawsuit", and "press exposee", and chances are something will be done.

The bolded need to be done like yesterday... she's a smart cookie for not putting herself in a situation where she'd have to be alone with him, but management of the business/property/etc need to made aware of a problem before they can do anything about it.


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May 14, 2010
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He is not an employee. He is a person that uses the services this place provides.


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May 16, 2010
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He is not an employee. He is a person that uses the services this place provides.

Doesn't matter... Management still needs to know - especially if you say more than 1 employee is being made uncomfortable. Harassment is still harassment.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
He is not an employee. He is a person that uses the services this place provides.

I wonder if calling the police to inquire about her options would yield results, maybe they could offer her some recourse though of course they couldn't exactly do something about it until he breaks the law.


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May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
Every business has the right to refuse services to any clientele and to ask them to leave. If this man is making more then one employee uncomfortable, and sounds like he is doing that and making other patrons nervous, management can ask him to leave and not come back. There is a legal term for this, do not remember what it is. But he can be banned from coming in. Most states have laws like this in place. We had to do it to a few people at a bar I worked part time at years ago.

If management refuses to do anything, then mention hostile and potentionally dangerous work environment along with law suit, they will do something. And if this girl has any fears about being fired, she shouldn't as their refusal to do anything about a situation like coupled with dismissing her sounds like a very good basis for a wrongful termination suit against them.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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^^^Bingo. She's not in the military so chain of command means all of dick. If her boss won't do anything go over his head, and many places of work specifically say that one can go directly to HR for situations like this.

I would say 1st, go to HR and tell them of her problem and that it's an outside client. have them tell her specifically what they plan to do rather than just lipservice. If they give inconcise, incomplete answers, then start dropping "Lawyer", "Lawsuit", and especially "Press Exposèe". If that doesn't light a fire, then bring in the cops.

Also, like I said, have her try to get something innoculous to keep on her in case, especially if HR and management drag their feet. Their rules and whatnot won't protect her from squat if she does manage to get trapped in an elevator, but a large steel spike attached to her keychain that it always within reach will enable her to communicate with him in a meaningful way in that scenario. I know that someone out there does make stuff like that made to look like a pen, so it's an option.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
Yep. All good advice. I have nothing to add, other than to say that even the threat of lawsuit should make the company do something. All companies operate on nowadays is fear of being sued.


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May 14, 2010
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Depending on the city, county, or state this is happening...some laws are different.

However, a call to the police non emergency would be a smart idea. For one, if he has killed animals and has bragged about it, this would of course come down to a mental state.

Per the Illinois ASPCA Cruelty to Animal Law Sect. IV a. Cruelty to Animals...

ASPCA Illinois animal cruelty laws

"Punishment for a violation of this section includes probation or conditional discharge not to exceed 30 months, a fine of up to $25,000.00 ($50,000.00 if the defendant is a corporation), incarceration from 1 to 3 years."

Also since it seems this guy is also stalking...that would be in line with the Illinois stalking laws

National Center for Victims of Crime

So far by your statements above, this should have already been red flagged and brought to the proper authorities.

Furthermore, if your employer knows about this and hasn't done anything, he is also liable for your harassment.

Never take any of this lightly. Make sure you act on these aggressions quick. This individual needs to be dealt with immediately.

keep us posted!
