What you really need is an idea of what has carbs and in what amounts ... (and speaking from the perspective of a diabetic ... it is sort of second nature to me).
Probably all of this stuff you know - but in case, avoid/minimize pastas, breads, and rice ... cut down on the sauces (apart from oil based ones).... cheese is ok - no carbs there ... and starchy vegetables and fruit have your carbs (so your squashes, broccolis, potatoes, carrots, corn, beans, peas etc all have some -but your leafy veg doesn't. . .
And then you know, whatever combination you come up with will work out to whatever end you are looking for.
Anyways - if you aren't looking to cut them out entirely - add some of those things in to whatever degree works for you -and you got it ....
One thing, though, and this is an important thing -- if you start feeling run down - then that diet isn't working for your metabolism -and you need a little more carbs -it is all really trial and error. One thing I don't recall anyone talking about much in the US is that there are different types of carbs - and a few slow release ones can work pretty well (but it does all depend upon where you are at metabolically speaking -I'm assuming you are in a far better place than I am -in my case a desk job and heredity bit me on the ass ... but that is another story).
Best of luck.