Not according to my alcoholic brothers doctor.
My brother is 31 and recently was admitted to the hospital after a binge. The amount of drinking he's done has caused perminent brain damage, his hands shake(to the point he can barely hold a fork to eat), and the doctor told my mom his next drink could be his last.
For the most part my brother has gotten hammered almost every day since he was 15.
On top of that it makes his personality such a winning one. Hes beaten every girlfriend hes had (his most recent one, when my mom first met her, told her if she knew what was good for her she would get out of the relationship now) Alas the stupid cow didnt listen, now is mother to yet another of his illegitimate children, got pushed down some stairs by him when she was pregnant, then she finally parted ways with him, when he drove to her work, and beat the shit out of her right after she got off maternity leave.