2 things.
1st: I think it's cool that you're becomming a fan of the Blackhawks and Chicago overall. I've been born and raised a Chicago fan living 40 minutes away in Northwest Indiana. Except even I wasn't a 'Hawks fan until 2007 when we drafted Kaner number 1.
2: As someone whose been writing for 5 years, I think it's neat that you show an interest in writing about sports as well. I've read your stuff and it's not half bad especially for your age. But I warn you, you must proof-read and edit your stories. It makes you look more professional and it gives you more credibility. No one wants to read a story filled with errors or mistakes.
Make no mistake, I'm not a professional copy-editor and I too make mistakes (sometimes too many!). Trust me though, if you clean up your articles, things will be a lot more enjoyable to both you and your future readers. Keep it up man!