the art of squirt.

That's fucked. Multiple people's pubes if they were all different colors.
What was the weirdest thing you found?
I had the mispleasure of cleaning out a hoaders home as well. I found a box of playboy magazines with copious amounts of pubic hair in ziplock bags. Grey hair, black hair, red hair, you name it. WTF.
Can't imagine why anybody would want to hoard shit. I hate things. It's just clutter. My wife buys things and brings them home and I throw away things. The circle of life.
Can't imagine why anybody would want to hoard shit. I hate things. It's just clutter. My wife buys things and brings them home and I throw away things. The circle of life.
I have an aunt that has a mild attachment disorder. She experienced a home fire when she was a child and sixty some years later has difficulty throwing things away because everything has some kind of sentimental value attached to it. Fortunately that doesn't include garbage, feces, cockroaches or dead things, but she has a holiday decoration "collection" that would impress any warehouse employee.