No LeBron Tour Good For Bulls


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Friedell: No LeBron James Tour is good news for Chicago Bulls - ESPN Chicago

All we've heard over the past few days is how teams such as the New York Knicks are ready to wine and dine James whenever he comes to their town. ...I never got the sense from anyone within the Bulls' organization that they planned to do the same. They figured that their message to James was simple:

If you come play with us, we'll contend for titles right away.

Sure, they would sell the organization's championship history and they'd sell new head coach Tom Thibodeau's pedigree, but those were all the perfunctory things that would go into any recruiting pitch. The difference is that they didn't need the extravagance that other teams needed to cover up the fact that the players on their rosters just aren't as good as anything the Bulls have to offer. On paper, the Bulls simply have more to offer than any of the other teams they're competing with for James' services.

The bottom line for the Bulls is that on paper they have no equal. Their team, and the way it's constructed for the future right now, speaks for itself. Far louder than whatever crazy sales pitch any team could come up with. All that Forman really has to do now during his visit with James is slide over a piece of paper that says this:

Chicago Bulls 2010-2011

LeBron James -- 25 Chris Bosh -- 26 Joakim Noah -- 25 Luol Deng -- 25 Derrick Rose -- 21 Taj Gibson -- 25

There's really nothing else to say. The Bulls' roster and their pitch doesn't need any more style. It has something far more important ... substance.

Kick ass article. It may be by ESPNChicago but it speaks nothing but the truth.


CCS Donator
Apr 16, 2010
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It's simple. If LeBron James loves CLE that much (or wants the most money) that's where he will stay.

If he wants to win a Championship (the most Championships), this is where he'll come.

payton 34ever

Well-known member
Apr 21, 2010
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West Des Moines, IA
I've said it before....there is NO team out there that can match what the Bulls can offer.

Sure Cleveland can offer more money (more years), but that team's about to be blown up.

New York thinks they can offer more money off the court and fame, but just how much more could that be than a large market like Chicago? Don't forget they SUCK.

If LeBron has a LeBrain, it doesn't make sense to go anywhere else. A packed arena, max free agent dollars, a team that will win now AND in the near future, the ability to sign another superstar like Bosh, a great young point guard, a large market to enhance off-court dollars, a great new coach who's paid his dues around the league, and the chance to play in the house that Michael built. He will OWN this town if he comes here, plain and simple. I can't see it going any other way, if we're going to use common sense.


That's What She Said
Apr 18, 2010
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Scranton, PA
I've said it before....there is NO team out there that can match what the Bulls can offer.

Sure Cleveland can offer more money (more years), but that team's about to be blown up.

New York thinks they can offer more money off the court and fame, but just how much more could that be than a large market like Chicago? Don't forget they SUCK.

If LeBron has a LeBrain, it doesn't make sense to go anywhere else. A packed arena, max free agent dollars, a team that will win now AND in the near future, the ability to sign another superstar like Bosh, a great young point guard, a large market to enhance off-court dollars, a great new coach who's paid his dues around the league, and the chance to play in the house that Michael built. He will OWN this town if he comes here, plain and simple. I can't see it going any other way, if we're going to use common sense.

I agree completely. I honestly don't even think it is about the money at this point right now. James has always said that he wants to win. If he wants to win this is where he needs to come.


New member
May 28, 2010
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I agree completely. I honestly don't even think it is about the money at this point right now. James has always said that he wants to win. If he wants to win this is where he needs to come.

Of course it's not about the money. The man will make more than anyone else in the NBA even if he went to Milwaukee or Minnesota.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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LeBron is worth hundreds of millions of dollars at the age of 25. When he was drafted at age 18, he signed a $90M contract with Nike. He has multiple investments and his net worth has been increasing substantially over the years.

If he signs with Cleveland its loyalty.
If he signs with the Nets its gotta be money because that Russian bastard must have thrown him 9 figures under the table.
If he signs with the Heat its about partying and latinas(i dont blame him. I love the Miami nightlife.
If he signs with NYK, its about fame and he would be just plain Special person.
If he signs with Chicago, its about winning.

Chicago is a huge sports market in itself.
Merchandise sales as of Jan '10
1. Los Angeles Lakers
2. Boston Celtics
3. Cleveland Cavaliers
4. New York Knicks
5. Chicago Bulls

You see the top 5. 4 of which are big markets. Cleveland doesnt belong but thats what LeBron James does for your team. Now if LeBron can single handedly bring a place like CLE into the top 3, what would he do for a top 5 Bulls team? Rose is 4th in jersey sales, James is 2nd. James in Chicago's market will make so much money, especially after winning multiple titles which I'll go on record to saying is a given w/ or w/o Chris Bosh. If we get Bosh, great! We easily have the best starting 5 the NBA has seen is a really long time. If we dont, we still have a lot of cap space to sign a great shooter and role players to fill out this team.

The money he will get through championships w/ more than make up what he will lose in Cleveland. Easily.
