Obsessive Wrigley Renovation Watch: More Suburban Smoke and a Question of Leverage


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Apr 18, 2013
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Tom Ricketts’ siblings are pushing for the Chicago Cubs to more seriously consider moving out of Chicago.

That, according to sources of the Sun-Times, who say that the siblings have been loyal to Tom’s desire to stay at Wrigley Field, but are growing concerned that the framework to which the Cubs, the Mayor, and Alderman Tom Tunney agreed will be altered too dramatically as it goes through the various city approval processes. To that end, the Cubs may be more open to considering those various suburban bids to lure the Cubs than they have been before. Again, according to those sources.

The Sun-Times adds that a Cubs source says Tom Ricketts’ back-up plan might be to invest in alternate sites within the City so that he could still work with the Mayor on a new location, which suggests that the real problem here is Alderman Tunney and various neighborhood interests.

Even if this is all just a ploy for leverage, I’d like to remind folks of the leverage the Cubs are trying to grab: they don’t want their deal with the City, which represents a massive compromise on the Cubs’ part already, to be jacked even further to their detriment. Think about that again. The leverage the Cubs want is to please-oh-please-Chicago, let us pay for this massively awesome project for you, and don’t screw us any further in the process. Pretty please with sugar on top.

It’s aggressively maddening, but it is the bind that comes with staying in Wrigleyville. As I said during the first storm of OMG-TEH-CUBES-MIGHT-MOVE stories, I remain of the mind that the Cubs derive unique and irreplaceable benefits from Wrigley’s present location, and they would be crazy to leave. That doesn’t mean I can’t be angry at the way the City and some in the neighborhood have proceeded throughout this process.

I also tend to think that this latest set of stories, although legitimately driven by sources and suburbs, are something of a tempest in a teapot. Just last week we learned that Ricketts and Mayor Emanuel had met, and the latter had agreed to “fast track” the renovation approval process so that the Cubs have the approvals necessary to begin the Wrigley Field portions of the renovation framework by the end of this Summer. I guess the only fear there is that the Cubs will get their approvals on the Wrigley portion, will begin the substantive renovations – thus locking themselves in – only to later find the City/neighborhood unwilling to yield on the plaza and the hotel. If you’re the Cubs, you can’t leave yourself exposed to that kind of risk.

That is all to say, I still think we’re going to see the next step taken within the next couple of months. The Cubs have their night game ordinance, even if it wasn’t exactly as they wanted, and the planned development process is ongoing. Perhaps it’s worth reminding you at this point that the Cubs have a web site dedicated to the renovation, and how folks in the area can help see it through.



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Apr 16, 2013
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Not that I generally put that much stock into BN, but it looks like a ploy for leverage.

Wrigleyville is a gold mine, Wrigley is a gold mine, the Cubs are a gold mine. Why ruin such a good thing?


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Goes both ways. If the Cubs move out the ownerships is the area lose their asses fast. Stands on rooftops watching Wriggley decay. Bottom line is the Cubs can pull out and yes they would suffer some but the fan base is large enough to survive the move. Being a Cubs fan is like a death sentence right now. If it leads to more seats and more potential revenue and a better funded product on the field 100% behind it. The bottom line is 1908 was not played at Wriggley. This is the 2nd oldest park in history and it never hosted a world champ. Never. So the obsession with the park is just silly. What are your childhood memories there? NEXT YEAR". Sums it up. There have been close to 100 next years played there in a row. Talk about a gluten for punishment for generations. And that field is a symbol of failure. City should pay the costs just to keep up the charade.


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Goes both ways. If the Cubs move out the ownerships is the area lose their asses fast. Stands on rooftops watching Wriggley decay. Bottom line is the Cubs can pull out and yes they would suffer some but the fan base is large enough to survive the move. Being a Cubs fan is like a death sentence right now. If it leads to more seats and more potential revenue and a better funded product on the field 100% behind it. The bottom line is 1908 was not played at Wriggley. This is the 2nd oldest park in history and it never hosted a world champ. Never. So the obsession with the park is just silly. What are your childhood memories there? NEXT YEAR". Sums it up. There have been close to 100 next years played there in a row. Talk about a gluten for punishment for generations. And that field is a symbol of failure. City should pay the costs just to keep up the charade.

Yeah but good ol Tommy spent $20M on a McDonalds. He ain't moving, if he does now, he 's silly for doing so.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Yeah but good ol Tommy spent $20M on a McDonalds. He ain't moving, if he does now, he 's silly for doing so.

He can sell also. He has not dumped major cash into it yet. Minor detail.


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He can sell also. He has not dumped major cash into it yet. Minor detail.

What person would pay $20M+ for a McDonald's that will lose business if (when) Wrigley leaves?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Like I said. Minor detail when talking about a billionaire. And there will be a loss just like there was a loss with trading Z out. If they have to move then sell the slop house. The population will still eat at the joint Wrigg or no Wrigg. 1 billion fat arcs' served.


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Feb 4, 2013
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If Ricketts were to leave Wrigley? He'd have to produce a winner or one hell of a sideshow.


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If Ricketts were to leave Wrigley? He'd have to produce a winner or one hell of a sideshow.

I doubt he'll produce the first one with his money.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Sammy was a great clown act. Those days are over. I believe that Cubs fans will at first fill the new park but they would have to win to maintain it. Fact the mantra is produce a consistent winner it fits the addenda. Tommy just is a boy and wants to keep it together. Sounds like the rest don't care about the park. It is about moving foward with or with out. If the city wants to be a bunch of f-twats f-them and bail.

Decatur Staley

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Aug 20, 2012
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Rockford, IL
Typical Chi-Town mentality... Kill the goose that lays golden eggs for 1 big meal.

Decatur Staley

CBMB Legend
Aug 20, 2012
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Rockford, IL
Which is why Cub fans should consider supporting a move from Wrigley.

Only if the neighborhood group makes it impossible to do business there... If that happens... Fuck Wrigleyville.

They're going to have to lay down to the Cubs' demands... If the Cubs pull out, that place becomes a ghost town.


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Re: Obsessive Wrigley Renovation Watch

Other teams have new stadiums with huge hitting areas for the team and all modern amenities. Wrigley will always be a postage stamp. Wrigley will always have a team that needs to play small ball early, power ball in summer, and small ball late in the season. Good luck with that. They need a new yard with a retractable roof, IMHO. I wish they could do that at Wrigley. It is a great experience. Not that I think they can't put a winner out there. I just think the differences make it harder.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Other teams have new stadiums with huge hitting areas for the team and all modern amenities. Wrigley will always be a postage stamp. Wrigley will always have a team that needs to play small ball early, power ball in summer, and small ball late in the season. Good luck with that. They need a new yard with a retractable roof, IMHO. I wish they could do that at Wrigley. It is a great experience. Not that I think they can't put a winner out there. I just think the differences make it harder.

Much easier to build fresh then pull stuff like that off. The fact they are planing a Jumbo-Tron in the middle of a 100 year old stadium is wack.

I feel the best solution is to move out. They can have 15 games per year there or convert it to a concert stadium for all I care.

Sure I watched my share of games there but after living outside of Chicago for 22 years now I can care less. I've been to better venues with better parking. Pet-co alone is a better park. Right in the middle of down town. Plenty of parking. Public transportation/Trolley that off loads by the exit. LF has a grass park where you can throw out blankets and let the kids run around. Doesn't smell like piss.

Cubs fans will adjust if it had to happen. To me it is stupid to hold onto a park that produced 100 years of losers.
